✝ 2: Once a lie, Forever a lie

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"Lilith, look at those beautiful butterflies

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"Lilith, look at those beautiful butterflies. They are the glowing mystical fairies..."

Fantasy, the beauty of nature, magic, royalty, and the warmth of belongingness. That's all I have ever wanted in my life. I want to dance to the music of magical creatures and people like me. I want to be merry and live carefreely.

My friends in school often used to be creeped out by me, whenever I mentioned such things. I was eighteen... How could I even dream of such things and places existing? That's funny.

But it is what it is, in the end. This is how I like it.

And that's how I discovered books. Magical lands, palaces, dragons, fairies, princesses, vampires, werewolves and witchery. The happy endings. It all made me obsessed. Not to mention, watching Disney was my guilty pleasure in my late teen years. I started falling in love with happy ends and the belief that anything was absolutely fucking possible. Enchanting endings could be the reality too.

Looking at the waterfalls, moistened winds flowing through the green velvety grass and coniferous trees... The beautiful forests, mystical creatures... It made me automatically imagine a new kind of dimension. A whole new world. And I liked that feeling. In fact, I loved it.

. . . . .

"Wake up, will you, Allaire?"

I felt a stick-like hard object poking my waist. The voice was rash and annoyed, which I assumed to be of a person I knew.

"Hmmm?" I groaned opening my glued eyes and stretching my arms. A deep sleep indeed. Although, it was magically disturbed. An instinct, of course.

"Who are you..." I mumbled while yawning. Who is this? And what is he doing in my bedroom at this hour? I'm supposed to wake up after 3 hours from now...

"Oh? Did you lose your memory along with your consciousness too, Allaire?" He scoffed, a sarcastic expression laced to both, his face and voice. And that's when I realized he was the one who bothered my deep slumber.


Oh, I wasn't dreaming all this?

The worst part was, he kept calling me 'Allaire' which was a fricking unknown and weird word to me.

"Why did you wake me up?" I hissed in irritation and ruffled my messy hair with frustration. 

I noticed myself lying on a soft, queen-sized fancy bed. Translucent curtains on either side added an extra show to it. There were candles on the two balconies of the dimly lit room as the scent of lavender and melted candlewax seeped into my nose, helping me relax.

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