Chapter I (Tony)

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(Tw; mentions suicide)

I was holding a meeting when Emily walked in.

"Dad?" She then saw that I wasn't alone. "Oops, sorry." She apologized and immediately retreated.

"Who was that?" Thor asked me.

I sighed "That would be my daughter"

"Since when did you have a daughter?" questioned Steve.

"Is that relevant?" I reply. "No? OK, now let's get back to what we were talking about before."

But the Avenger's attention was lost.

"Does she have powers?" Bruce wanted to know and I rubbed my head

"How about I just call her back so she can answer your questions. JARVIS?"

"Yes sir?"

"Please send Emily down," I said.

"Right away sir."

Emily came back in timidly

"Yes?" I noticed she forced herself to sound American, but I brushed over it.

"Emily, meet the Avengers"

I told her and she looked around the room. Emily saw the Maximoffs in the back and then froze in shock

"Wanda? Pietro!" She exclaimed. Pietro sped toward Emily and soon she was hugging the twins.

"Wha-?" Clint's face would have been comical if I wasn't so confused.

The rest of the group looked to me for an explanation, but I shrugged. Emily noticed everyone was staring and quickly pulled away from the hug.

"I thought I would never see you two again!" She exclaimed, her Sokovian accent becoming very prominent. The Avengers started connecting a few of the dots.

"You three knew each other in Sokovia?" Nat questioned.

Emily hesitated "Yes, I met them in there" Her voice was strained and tight, signaling she was uncomfortable going into more detail.

"Are you Tony's biological daughter?" asked Bruce "If so, you two look nothing alike." Emily laughed a little because it was true. She was 5'9 and had natural but bright red hair-like Nat's-that fell just past her rib cage. Unlike my dark eyes, her green eyes were sharp and piercing. "No, no, definitely not. Tony and Pepper adopted me after he...found me in Sokovia." I could see Emily start to rub her knuckles nervously.

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your other parents?" Nat asked. "They got sick," Emily said without blinking. That was only a half-truth because it was her dad who got sick and then died. Her mom killed herself soon after, not wanting to take care of her daughter.

"I'm sorry" Clint spoke, and everyone looked sympathetic.

"Thanks" I saw the pain in Emily's eyes. Pietro whispered something in her ear, and she smiled gently. I watched the interaction carefully, and I wondered if something went on between them.

"Do you have powers, Lady Emily?" asked Thor.

Emily visibly stiffened up "I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting, but I've got to go. Nice meeting you all, and maybe see you later."

She hurriedly made her exit. "What was that all about?" Nat looked at me.

"She'll tell you when she's ready." Is all I said. "Now, to finishing my presentation..."

When I was done, I headed up to Emily's room. I knocked on the door, then let myself in to find her laying on her bed, sketching.

"Oh, hey Tony" She gave me a half-smile.

"You know, I don't blame you for not wanting to talk to the Avengers," I told her. "Thanks." She said.

"But you're going to have to explain at some point. You can't keep them in the dark forever." I continued and Emily sighed

"I don't know. It might be better that I don't see them again."

"And why didn't you tell me about you knowing Pietro and Wanda?" I pushed further. "Have you considered the fact it might be hard for me?!" Emily stood up and glared at me. "First, I lose my parents when I'm only 7 years old. Of course, my nice parent is the one who gets sick and then dies, then my mom kills herself because she doesn't want to raise me! I then spend the next 3 homeless, suffering more than anyone should in a lifetime! After that, I get kidnapped and experimented on for 'science'! The only small mercy I was granted was that I met Wanda and Pietro, who has a very similar situation to me! But even that's snatched away when, after being together for about 10 years, I get taken away only to not see them again! Now, after being separated for another 2, seeing them? It's happy and painful at the same time. On one hand, I'm happy to finally be reunited with the people who I spent almost a decade with. On the other, it's resurrecting all the horrible memories from HYDRA!" She slowly sat back down on the bed. "I just...feel so lost because Wanda, Pietro, and I...we were there for each other when there was no one else. I know it sounds cheesy, but-" Emily stopped.

The lave flow of words came at me suddenly. I wasn't used to Emily telling me details of her past life all at once, and it scared me that she had been pushed this far "Hey, hey it's OK. I'm sorry" I told her

"It's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine," Emily said the words like they might come true the more she repeated it.

"So, what do you want to do? What should I tell them?" I looked at her

"Send them up."

"You sure?" I asked "You don't have to."

"No, I do. I need to stop running from my past just because it hurts." Emily said

"Then I'll go get them" I gave her one final hug. "Love you, Emily"

"Love you too Dad" Emily smiled.

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