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"Hey, wake up sleepyhead!"

    Cold water splashed over Richard's face, startling him awake. Shaking his head and blinking a couple times, he found himself tied to a chair in what seemed to be a warehouse. Metallic walls and other machinery surrounded his view.

A woman dressed in all black sat across from him in a swivel chair. Swinging a pistol as if it were a toy. While shaking his body to loosen the ropes around his wrists, the woman in front of him spoke again.

    "Don't even try, it's pointless."

    "W-who are you?"

    "You can call me Rebel," she said, continuing to spin the pistol on her finger.

    "I mean your actual name, shithead!" Richard yelled, struggling hard enough to cause the chair to shake. "Help! I've been kidnapped!" he yelled out into the empty room.

    "It is my name."

    "Your actual name is Rebel?"


    "So..." Richard gulped, "Rebel, what do you want?"

    "Whatcha mean?"

    "You have me tied up in here, you must need me for something."

    "Nah, I tied you up just because."

    "You kidnapped me without any damn reason?"

    "Now you're catching on!" Rebel exclaimed, snapping her fingers.

    "You're crazy," Richard shouted, "help me! Anybody!"

    Rebel sighed, "you see, that's the problem with people like you, the 'sane' people have an excuse for everything you do, while people like me, are the 'maniacs,'' Rebel remarked mockingly, scooting her chair closer to Richard's, "there's not always a rhyme or reason as to why people do things, sometimes we just do. I just kidnapped you, because why the hell not? Also your screaming is getting annoying so could you please shut up?"

     "Have you lost your damn mind!?"

    "There it is again, what are you? A therapist?"

"You must need a person like me for something! Help! Somebody, anybody!" Richard shouted as his breath began to shake.

"Shut up with the damn yelling!" Rebel stood up, slapping Richard across the face.

    Richard went silent.

"Thank you!" Rebel sighed, slouching back into her chair, Smacking her lips, she retorted, "y'know you're right, I do have an ulterior motive. You see, I want to show people that there isn't always a reason as to why people do the things they do, and if you want to make a statement, you gotta go big or go home."

    "How do I play a part in any of this?"

    "Why, I have to kill you of course!"


    "Yep, I'm going to fill your body full of lead and chop you to bits! You're quite lucky though, being killed by a cute lady such as myself," putting her left hand to her cheek, making a cutesy face, before standing up. Rebel cocked her pistol and pointed it at Richard's head, flashing a smug yet sinister smirk.

    "No, no, no, please! I'll give you anything you want, you want money? I can give it to you."

    "I don't want your filthy money, I want your corpse." Rebel scowled.

    Richard shut his eyes, bracing for what was about to happen. His entire body quivered in fear, he could feel sweat trickling down his forehead, he was nothing short of mortified. He drew in a deep breath as he felt cold metal touch his skin.

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