𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒗. who you pretend i am

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twenty four

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twenty four. who you pretend i am

NETEYAM AND THE TWINS WALKED INTO THE MARUI POD. Le'ah limped slightly from where she had been kicked in by the ankle. She kept her gaze settled on the floor beneath them, turning around to face their dad but never met his fuming eyes. Le'ah knew they went against his words of staying out of trouble, especially with getting in a fight with the Olo'teykan's son, but she held pride in standing up for herself and her family.

Jake's voice boomed through the pod, glaring at his kids standing before him, "what's the one thing I asked? The one thing!" His gaze was fixated on the twins as the said thing had been pointed towards them. Le'ah didn't shy away from the floor, burning holes into the ground.

Lo'ak met with his dad's gaze, replying to the man, "stay out of trouble—" Jake repeated Lo'ak's words, his tone coming out harsh. Le'ah sniffled, the dried blood staining her nose and itching her skin. Neteyam waltzed in front of the twins, facing their father with his hands held up, "it was my fault."

Le'ah called out her big brother's name, unable to hold in her words as Neteyam took the blame for them once more. Yet, Jake saw past this, glancing back at the twins behind his oldest son, "I don't think so. You've gotta stop taking the heat for these knuckleheads."

The Sully girl exhaled sharply, her eyes not leaving the floor beneath them when she felt her father's eyes pierce into her figure. She cursed to herself lightly in her head when she heard Lo'ak by her side pitch in, explaining the situation as to why the fight had occurred, "look, dad, Ao'nung was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak. Even Le'ah."

From her name being said, Le'ah peered at her twin brother, calling out his name in warning. Of course, she knew that Lo'ak was only doing it to protect her and save her from their dad's disappointment, yet Le'ah didn't want Jake to know. In her mind, she thought of it as weak to be called names due to her number of fingers. Jake's expression turned away from the kids, contorting with anger, before he collected himself and faced the teenagers, pointing his eyes to Lo'ak, "go apologise to Ao'nung."

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