𝒙𝒙𝒗. twin telepathy

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twenty five

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twenty five. twin telepathy

           "SO WHAT DOES EYWA'S HEARTBEAT SOUND LIKE?" JAKE SOFTLY ASKED KIRI. The girl gazed at her father and pondered on what to say. What went to Jake comforting the girl from crying turned into a confession that Kiri was more special than anyone could register. Jake and Neytiri knew she was different from her mysterious, miraculous birth, yet didn't know how much depth it went into.

      Kiri thought she was crazy. Crazy to believe she could hear Eywa's heartbeat as if she were so close—merely a word away. The girl sighed softly, meeting her father's gentle expression, "mighty," Jake smiled, yet frowned when he noticed the tender expression plastered on Kiri's face. She hesitated, not knowing how to tell Jake what she was holding back, "it's like I can also hear Juniper's heartbeat."

      Jake froze at his daughter's words. Kiri noticed her father becoming tense, his body straining against his will. He nervously gulped, his voice wavering as if he were afraid to ask what was on his mind, "well, w ...—what does Juniper's heartbeat sound like?"

      "Weak," She said, her tone full of solemn. Jake closed his eyes momentarily, hating the words that Kiri had spoken, barely over a whisper. After all these years of Juniper being gone, the guilt that was buried inside his chest never left. The said guilt built a bile in the back of his throat, his breaths shaking. Kiri clasped a hand over her father's, realising how hard it must be for him. Jake smiled thankfully at the girl, taking in her comfort as she added, "but also strong. Like—like she's tired but continuing to fight."

      Jake breathlessly chuckled, not being able to control the wall of tears building in his eyes, "that sounds like June," He said. Kiri's lips slightly went upwards, grinning at her dad's body becoming more relaxed than before. He shook his head, gazing up at the sky, "I wish I knew if she was okay."

      Kiri dipped her head at Jake's confession. She tapped into the feeling, which she could only put as Juniper. The Vespera girl was as brave as they came, with a strong-headed and driven personality. Kiri knew this alongside the rest of her siblings—the whole Sully family looked up to Juniper because of it. The girl nodded, "she is, dad. Or, at least, she will be. I feel it."

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