The White Wolf

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Copyright © 2022 by N.R.Hall

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

If you can't find the magic you are not looking hard enough.

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I've always thought about death, wondering what people see before they go. My brain takes me to my parents, did they feel pain?

I flick my eyes up to the night sky as I lay here with the moon full and stars just coming out above me. The trees rustle in the slow wind causing a chill to go down my back that's laying on the hard moist ground. My body is heavy but there is no pain, only cold.

My only thoughts in this moment are that I wouldn't change a thing, not meeting him, not knowing what I know. I have the peace and comfort knowing there is magic in this world which makes my heart whole.

I rest my heavy hand on my stomach feeling the moisture clinging to my palm through my top, the blood is still flowing but I feel no pain.

Suddenly my heart jumps as I hear someone shouting my name and the rustling of something running through the woods.

I can't speak, my body feels numb but then I see his cloudy bright green eyes full of worry. Joy overwhelms me. He is here. I'm safe,

"James..." I whisper then close my eyes letting the coldness take me.

Chapter 1 


As I make my way downstairs I notice that I have a hole on the side of my work uniform just on my hip.

"Oh shoot not again," I say to myself as I stroll into the kitchen.

That will be Mrs Crow's Dog little nipper, that's what she calls him, and a little nipper he is. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't bite you, just your clothes and stethoscope. Luckily this time it's only small but I might bill her the next time he does that, I can't keep sewing these up or replacing them.

I take a deep breath and put the kettle on to make myself a coffee, it's 6am and I've got to be in work by 7am.

I work for a small veterinary clinic there is only me and one other vet, so we take it in turns with the early starts. If we didn't have any overnighters than I could have started at 8.30am today, but we had a cat brought in yesterday that needed care. It's only fair I go in to let the night nurse go home, since Robert helped me out a few days ago.

I stand by the kitchen sink and look out of the window to the garden, the sun is almost up and you can see the orange shimmers coming through the woods at the base of the garden. It's looks like it going to be a lovely day, it's the middle of spring and the scenery is perfect.

As I wait for the kettle to boil, I think about my dream last night it was so weird!

I was in the woods at night, it was cold and I was walking around alone, then I see bright green eyes looking at me. I didn't feel scared for some reason it made me think of my childhood, then my alarm went off so I was pulled from it.

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