Chapter 1 - In the dark

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One's upon a time there was a boy named Lucas. He would've spend his time like other children would do but no! he wasn't just any ordinary child, every day at night, something or someone would watch him from his window until one day Lucas decided to look what it was, every step he took the floor board would creek, one step *creek*, once he got to the window, HE SAW A.....

Chapter 2 - The discovery

He saw a small monster, he said to him selfa"Wha-what are you?"

The small monster placed an
translator on his neck then he talk
"My name is... Mono... I am a super intellectual and extraordinary being my task is to:

Make a friend
What is a Forest.

Although Lucas was feeling scared he was also feeling amazed and shocked The decided to respond "I can be your friend , also I can explain a forest if that's what you say it."

Mono answered "Yes that would be greatful"

As Lucas was going to answer Mono's question her mother Linda ask "Lucas is that you if so who are you talking to?!"

Lucas Responded with a questionable
answer.... anyway he said " Mom I'm sleep talking?"

Linda responded with a straight answer "Okay" you really see that Lucas mother is very dumb  "narrow rater I heard you".

Sorry folks that is where our adventure ends, part 2 will come out maybe the day after

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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