The Story Of The Emperor's Husband Chapter one The Parents Choice

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It all happened  so quickly… One second I was shoving Cato away from Amicus, the next split second I'm breathing from both my neck and mouth. Wait… SHIT I can't breathe!! I fall to the ground as blood squirts from the cut from my neck. "KEN!" MY wolf please don't come closer, it's a trap, he comes into my view and holds my head with one hand and uses the other to try to stop the blood. "Please stay with me! You can't leave! YOU CAN'T DIE AGAIN!!" His tears fall onto forcing me to cry as well, but I smile and reach up and wipe his face. Then everything  went dark… 

Space,stars, and darkness. How long have I been floating here? It feels familiar, like when I met The Monitor. " Hello? Is anyone there?" I looked around  feeling  like I was being watched  but these eyes were not the dragon's, these were many," human we are sorry but it seems we made a mistake in putting our hopes in you. And for it many will die and the Galaxias will never be complete…" The voices rang as one but there were  eight voices, " SEND ME BACK THEN I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST SEND ME BACK! AMICUS WILL DIE ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" I screamed out into the void. There was a slight pause  then one spoke, almost reptilian like, " there isssss one option lefffft fffor  us to use. But it will efffect you greatly." "Serion that vessel has been in that dead state for ages! On top of that the spell to hold his memories only lasts for eight years! And if-" " he knows how the magic works Meera if he doesn't get his love's kiss his memory and soul will  be gone and the shell will live on without knowing what is missing.." " Do you accept human?" "Of course I fucking accept now send me back!" I wish I hadn't  rushed them cause my body exploded into pain as everything went white.

I sat up gasping for air.. "what the- wait that's not my.." I looked down at myself to see that I am in a wolf beastman body. " Amicus!" I ran to the colosseum, he is still holding my body and the bastard Cato is right behind him! "AMICUS!!!!" I rushed in and punched the old wolf in the face. "Peekaboo ass hole…" I panted before falling near them both. "Amicus kill him! The Parents are doing this! Kill Cato!" "Right, thanks Nefaru!" I watch as my wolf rushes to the barely conscious Cato and bites down on his neck. The sickening sound of flesh ripping rings into my ears followed by the sound of blood splattering on the ground. He did it; he is now the Emperor. "Ken?" He rushes over to me but why is my vision blurring? "My….. king" everything goes dark and cold.

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