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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter One❞
                                                                           ━━━ Fraternizing With The Frenemy . .

Eleven (11) Years Hence

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Eleven (11) Years Hence. . .

Dear Dad (because Mum was hopeless at this),What is it like to have a crush? Butterflies in your stomach?

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Dear Dad (because Mum was hopeless at this),
What is it like to have a crush? Butterflies in your stomach?

Prongs says 'I dunno. Butterflies in your stomach?'

But what if your crush doesn't like you back? What if she likes someone else?

Prongs admits 'I shoulda asked your Mum about this. . . because I felt terrible when she didn't like me back. . .

Thank you, Dad, for reminding me how bad it feels.

Harry Potter, an average teenager who lived with a wild man and a tired man, was in a predicament. Even the magically charmed diary which Remus, the tired man, had given him was of no use. His 'parents' who wrote back were totally hopeless when it came down to his love life. Harry harboured a crush as huge as The Eiffel Tower itself on a Ravenclaw girl who went by the name Cho Chang. Unfortunately for him, the girl never once looked at him that way.

"Man!" he shouted in frustration, messing his already unkempt hair even further.

"Oi Potter! Shut it!"

Harry frowned. He turned around in his chair and shouted back at his enemy. "What's your problem, Weasley?! No one asked you to get trapped in my dormitory!"

A mane of red hair which was worse than a lion's majestic mane, whirled around and hit his face, leading him to use an array of choice words. "What d'you mean?! Obviously, none of this would have happened if it weren't for you telling Ron to lock the door!" she shouted, her teeth bared and her brown eyes blazing. "It's all your fault that I am stuck in this stinky room for Merlin knows how long! I have Quidditch tryouts in case you forgot!"

𝐒𝐞𝐧̃𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚  ━━━ H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now