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November 2020

"My time.. has come"

It was November 2020 and it was time for the Undertaker's retirement, there was no crowd as it was a global pandemic but there were staff members and certain WWE superstars behind the cameras and around the building, the Undertaker was the only one in the ring as dark shades of blue and deep ocean coloured blue and screens the same coloured shades of dark blue covered him and everything in the room. Davina was waiting backstage to be called down to the ring and she was dressed in attire similar to the Undertaker but without a hat.

"My time has come to let the Undertaker rest in peace" the Undertaker announced through the microphone having a moment to himself before speaking again "but.. the mantle must be given to one worthy of my role. Davina, come out here" the Undertaker said as Davina walked down the ramp and got into the ring and slowly approached the Undertaker but stopped keeping her distance from him as he sharply turned to a staff member receiving Davina's hat from them "it is time" he said as he gave her the hat and gave her the hat and she turned away from him turning towards the main camera and crouched onto her left knee with her right arm out further than her left and her tongue stuck out whilst her eyes rolled back until only white parts of her eyes showed as pure dark purple lighting covered the arena and her theme new theme song played and filled the arena (theme song is: Time To Die by DaGames), she gazed around the room with a dark and stern expression and her eyes seemed to have locked on to her stepmother and little half sister before getting up and following her father back up the ramp but before they left, their fists went up in the air and bolts of lightning stranded across every screen in the arena as if their supernatural powers came to life one last time before going away.

The Next Week

"We're really proud of you, Davina" Michelle McCool gently said "yeah, and scared too with y'know, nice scared combo. I mean-- WWE, such a big sports company, traveling to places far away" her dad said "guys, I've trained for this for most of my life. Dad basically did this himself for thirty years straight" Davina said "we know but we're just excited for you but terrified" Michelle said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" Davina assured "and also injuries, injuries could affect your career depending on how bad it is and WWE can be full of risks of injuries" Undertaker said making her self aware "actually your father does have a point there, remember what happened with Brock Lesnar? Or the story about Big Mable?" Michelle asked "when I was little, Brock Lesnar was a jerk that comes from another sports community, I know plenty of other wrestlers who are jerks" Davina said "sure, we all do, absolutely. But we would recommend you to take something of mine just in case" Undertaker offered "ok, I will take something, to make you stop talking about it" Davina said with stern in her voice "sure, everyone wins "Davina, I can't find my hat!" her younger sister "If I find it in its usual place you're going to get chokeslammed into a table" Davina teased on her way helping her younger sister.

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