1-"I am here for you"

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'A peaceful world, right?'

There exists two kingdoms, Xadia is the kingdom of the Magical Creatures, The other is where the Humans live. There are 5 kingdoms created by the humans and each one have only one king and queen each.

Far away in the Kingdom of Xadia, At an abandoned mountain, there could be seem Two little dragons.

The bigger one had na black-ish collors mixed with some neon ones at his horns and hairs,he had his body weaather dangerously hot,but he could control it.

In the other side, there was a little dragon with red lil eyes and a white-bluish collor, he seemed like na little albino dragon with cyan halos flying around his head and tail, his body weather was the complete opposite from his brother, it was dangerously cold.

Both of the little ones were playing ‘tag’ as the small one ran towards the old one trying to catch him, eventualy, the little one jumped into the older’s back causing both to fell down on the ground and laugh playfully.

-Spiryt i love you! – The lil cold hatchling said to his older brother.

-I love you too.. my little brother.. and nothing will hurt you ok?

-Ye! Because i’m a grown man! -He said doing a cute pose,it made Spiryt let out a laugh and calmly pat the little one’s head while the hatchling growled at his older bro

-You always will be a little baby for me, don’t try to change my mind – Spiryt smiled and cuddled with his little sibling.

He knew.. something always were wrong..

His mother had dissappeared when his brother hatched, his father came back later at night full of blood.. luckily the cold bab din’t saw as it was asleep.

The scent of blood and everything.. Spiryt noticed, his father killed his mother.

Some Months later as the cold bab grew, his father became more and more ruthless and aggressive as he was before,it caused a discussion between him and his father that ended up bad.

Spiryt, as the hatchling and older brother wanter to protecr his lil bro at all costs..

And it costed him his eye that time..

His father scratched his eye deeply and growled then flied away, he left Spiryt on the ground, crying and bleeding from his now blinded eye as he hid what happened from his little brother,saying it was just a hunting wound and everything is alright.

He knew that his father din’t accepted his little brother, he already knew what his father wanted to do.

That’s why he’s been a little sleep-deprived as he wasnt sleeping in nights to make sure his little bro was alive after the nightmares he got.

-Little brother..? -He whispered only to hear a small snoring sound, then he giggled, cuddling more at his little brother.

-I won’t let him hurt you... – He whispered again,hugging his wingless sibling with his wings as he slowly fell asleep. – I wont...


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