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𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬



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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Cussing

Please go look at the love interest page, some things have changed there.


"WELCOME BACK, (Y/n)!" Rai greeted you kindly. You smiled seeing the blue screen, happy to have accompany.

"Hey there again Rai" You responded back to the floating screen.

"Now im assuming you've been waiting to be transported to Ninjago but before I even send you there, some rules need to be stated"

You nodded in agreement, impatiently waiting for Rai to finally list the rules down.

"Number one, as I said before, you mustn't die in another universe under any circumstances, otherwise you will be presumed dead in reality. For this reason, I always set peoples first task to find the protagonist of the universe to have a less chance of dying if danger is high."

'Wait we have task to do?..' You question in your thoughts, groaning mentally as you weren't expecting jobs to do like a lazy person you are.

"Secondly, I will only appear to guide you and during emergency, meaning im possibly going to always be with you."

At least you got someone to guide you, less chance of dying.

"Each task will give you something essential to survive while adventuring, so it's best if you do most of your task if you wish not to die."

"...Honestly I forgot the rest of the rules, just don't die- Oh!

You will eventually stop visiting the other universe, do not grow attached to any of the characters. Stay as friends or acquaintances."

"Then what is the point of even-"

"No excuses please."

"Now are you ready? Teleporting may make you feel motion sick."

"I guess sure but- woAH-" You were cut off by a sudden force that dragged you forward. All you saw was a blue flash before you passed out.


my dream, my destiny -ninjagoWhere stories live. Discover now