This December.. || Casey Jr x [ READER ] ( R )

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" C'mon Casey! "
" Slow down [ READER ]! "
We currently see 2 young teens running through the apocalyptic scene, Suddenly one of them tripped and scraped their knee

" A-are you okay [ READER ]!? " Casey said as he went beside [ READER ] and checked her knee
" Yup, Don't worry Casey nothing can get this girl down! " [ READER ] said as she started to stand up but Casey seated her back down
" Don't you dare stand up! I will disinfect your wound first it looks big.. " Casey said as he took out his First aid kit and started disinfecting [ READER ]'s wound

" Now do you feel alright [ READER ]? "
" I'm alright if you're alright! "
" I'm not joking this time [ READER ]. "
" I know grumpy pants, And yes I feel alright! " [ READER ] said as she started standing up
" Thank you Casey! " [ READER ] added as Casey started blushing
" You're..welcome "

They went to a hill watching the apocalypse unfold and it made Casey calm.. whenever [ READER ] is with him it makes him super calm, And he's happy she's here.

" You need to wake up y'know. " This made Casey jump in suprise and look at [ READER ] in confusion

"..What do you mean? "
" This isn't real. "
" N-no.. You're real. "
" I'm sorry Casey.. but I'm not "

Casey just sat there in confusion, Then he started to hear whispers of them saying " wake up it made him uncomfortable and his vision started to get blurry, He looked back at [ READER ] but it almost looks like she's fading away. Then he woke up.. He woke up alone.




He misses [ READER ] so much.. He always blamed himself for what happened to her, Why must that nightmare has to haunt him over and over again, Oh how much he regrets not telling her so much..

Maybe This December he'll forget her.


This is my first time writing angst so I hope this made y'all cry, Also I'm not really sure about the song meaning of
" This December " By Ricky Montgomery so sorry if it's wrong :'))


╰┈➤ 𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗧𝗠𝗡𝗧 / 𝗧𝗠𝗡𝗧 𝗫 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥 ✧˚ · .Where stories live. Discover now