Our world

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2 packs join together to form one both alphas agree to join as one so they have the biggest pack in the whole of the USA both packs still have the two different alphas but are still one pack. So we join together but both alphas are still in charge of their area of territory and both alphas and the lunas have been friends all their life's so they can agree on decisions easier and the pack house is in between both sides of the land so both alphas and lunas live in the same house. Years pass the pack has been better, calmer ever since the join it has worked very well on both half s people get along with everyone and everything. Not long after Christmas together a vampire family move to town and this causes problems for the pack as they are new bloods which means they have just been changed so they go on a killing spree and suddenly half the town I'd dead or changed after weeks of preparing an attack it happens but what we didn't know was they were ready or that's what they thought of course knowing our mates me and Jessica were not allowed to leave the house all the women and children came to the pack house for safety. Altogether there were 6 men with us in case some vampires got past and came here but I don't think they would be able to find the house it mite have been a big house but with the number of high trees covering the house no one could find it unless they were a wolf because of the sent only wolfs can smell it that's why it would be hard for them to find. Of coarse we won as per usual but Logan and Greg started acting weird disappearing me and Jessica getting guards something was wrong but they wouldn't tell us. Me and Jessica had been friends for years before jess met Greg and I mete Logan we were friends since we were kids and we came here on a trip to Texas for a month and that's when we met the boys they were desks using a plan. We knew they were our mates so we sat next to them at first they stopped talking and didn't look at us but when they did they realised who we were and why we sat with them after that the couldn't look away. Since me and Jessica were always sad after that cause we never seen each other since that day the boys agreed to join as one pack and build a new pack house in the middle of the forest ever since the move into it there had not been a dull day until that day the stopped telling us anything as in what they were doing, where they were going, who they where seeing or just anything and then we stopped talking to them and telling them things too. Every time they would walk in the room we would stop our conversation and walk to a different room.


So that was the intro as in the bio so yeah this isn't chapter one just comment if you want and tell me if you think it sounds like a bad story or if u think its pretty cool so comment and vote I will be writing this story with my friend Jessica xx thanks if you like it and I'm sorry if you don't

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