Checkmate pt.1

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Authors note: if you don't remember the rules you may want to look them up. Idrk if this can be considered spoilers other than that because I have pretty much completely changed the scenario from the show's. Any way I hope u enjoy


I started this game out confident. There are 16 people on my team and only 4 people on the opposing team, so I thought for sure this would be a piece of cake. I was quickly corrected though because unfortunately I got chosen as king, Which is probably a death sentence for me.

This situation isn't all bad though, some how I ran into an old friend of mine, Usagi. Me and her went to school together when we where younger and stayed in touch even afterwards, one could say we were best friends. I didn't know she was here too, and I know it's selfish but I can't help but be relieved to see someone familiar, even if they have to go through this hell too. It's the last day on my visa and I was almost going to just let it run out after watching the rest of the friends I made here die last time I played a game. I'm glad  I didn't do that.

"Y/n?" Usagi asked me. Witch now made me realize I had zoned out

"Uh, Huh?" I looked over at Usagi and the two other boys she had just introduced me too, chishiya and Arisu. They both seem cool, but there's something about chishyia that strikes me as odd, actually that's not the right word. fascinating maybe? I'm not sure but he seems very observent and quite, but also polite I guess.

"As I was saying, we should all be ok as long as we keep our team's number of people higher than the others" Usagi try's to strategize with the three of us.

Just as Usagi said that the queen started the game, and a counter for each team's players pops up on the board in front of us.

"we should probably get going then" chishiya said, he then shifts his gaze to me "we wouldn't want to risk our queen" he says looking at me with a flirty smirk. I probably would have turned very red If I wasn't so nervous to play a face card game that I could barely process he was flirting with me.

"Technically she's the king, and so is the 'queen' on the other team, if you thing about it" Arisu says, As he looks, kinda stupidly, up at the board. 

"Alright let's just get moving" Usagi says running off in the other directing with the 3 of us following closely behind.

We make it to the top of the 5th flight of stairs and look down through the metal floor with gaps in it and see two people from our team get tagged. At the same time a person on our team gets tagged all the way across the room from us.

"This is not good" Usagi says to us when we get to the top of another flight of stairs. She was right. We went through the next 4 rounds of the game and our team only got smaller and smaller. I could feel the painful and hopeless feeling in my chest get harsher as we lost more and more people.

"Our team is getting tagged left and right! How have we not tagged anyone" Arisu complains while panting.

"It is possible that people are getting tagged on purpose, the queen's team seems to be doing much better." Chishiya says with a half blank half amused expression, witch I'm now starting to see is his expression most of the time.

"Maybe we can convince them that-" arisu starts to try to form a plan but I quickly cute him off (sorry arisu)

"No. We have to up our game. There's only 5 of us left on the challengers team. We need to split up and tag as many people as possible"

"Ok, we split up in twos. Stay close to your partner and tag as many people as you possibly can" Usagi says firmly.

"Will do" chishiya says. Before I can say anything Usagi and arisu start to run off and chishiya starts to go in the other directing. I take this as my sign to follow him.

"Are you scared?" Chishiya asked me. I could sense that he knew the answer and he just wanted to see how I'd respond. Almost like he was testing me.

"I don't have time to be scared right now. I need to not die." I say nervously.

"I wonder..." he says as we slink down the hallway trying to catch someone off guard. "If you were..."
Chishiya starts to say, but cuts him self off again.

"Hmm?" I question him, trying to get him to finish his question.

"If you weren't the queen, would you let yourself get tagged if it ment that you had a good chance of winning, but you'd have to sacrifice that one person?" He says stopping and looking down at me. I had a feeling that was what he'd ask but it still caught me off guard.

"I would fight for them as long as I could." I pause not sure what to say. "But I don't think I'm any better than the other players, I'd get scared."

"That's ok." Chishiya says looking around for people as we start walking down the hallway again.

"I honestly haven't cared to much weather I live or die. but after all my friends sacrificed themselves so I could live, I just can't let myself die like this." I pause "Not with out a fight." I say.

"Well y/n, we don't want that. So why don't we get to that 'not dying', Huh ?"
Chishiya says as we spot a group of people from the other team talking about (who have know idea we're here). We exchange smiles, trying to stay as quiet as possible, and my heart skips a beat when our eyes lock. for the first time in a long time, my heart isn't beating abnormally because my life's in danger. Maybe this is a good thing, I have my trust in this team we have going, arisu and Usagi included.

"damn it!" One of the people we tagged complains.

The three fall to the floor from getting shocked after we tagged them. Before we can leave, one of them looks up at chishiya.

"hay. Kid. You should join the queens team, you're guaranteed to win if you do!" The man on the floor says, and as he does I feel sick to my stomach, enough to not care to hide how nervous I felt. I let my eyes dart over to chishiya, afraid of his answer, and awaiting it impatiently.

"No thanks" he says nonchalantly, leaving the both of us a little shocked for different reasons "maybe I'm guaranteed life, But I won't win that way"

After a second Me and chishiya start off down the hallway, and I feel relief start to swell over me. I can't really tell why though, I just met chishyia but something in me thinks that I'd be absolutely crushed if he had actually considered leaving me. I mean, my team. We stop once we are farther away and chishiya looks like he's about to say something but he stops when we hear an  announcement go off from...we'll somewhere.

"Challenger team now has 1o players"

"No way, we could actually win!" I exclaim, almost feeling sad after, at the thought that I may have been actually doomed before.

"Arisu and Usagi must've gotten some people too. I guess that not dying plan is coming along better than you thought Huh?" Chishiya says. I giggle at him feeling The despair I felt earlier ease quite a bit, almost forgetting about everything for a moment. Right then another announcement goes off.

"Challenger's turn has ended. Now starting the next round" and with that our turn is over, and a little of that despair came back.

Right as the announcement stops, we hear a loud Metallic thump of someone landing on the ground.
I look to my left and see a women with her black hair up in a ponytail. she's wearing a glorified wife beater, and according to her vest she's apart of the other team. She has three guys from her team standing next to her and I already know who she is, that's why it's no surprise when she introduces herself.

"I don't believe we've met." She pauses standing up straight "I'm the queen of spades".

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