Summer (memories)

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Summer (memories)

95 degrees

splish splash - the sounds of water in a pool

"Ahhh" "yaaaay" "water gun fight"

laughter fills the warm air

water gun fights


ring diving

everything you can think of

3 hours later

we look like prunes

we get out for an hour to eat lunch

"race you to the pool"

"last one in is a rotten egg"

sprinting in the grass

"woohoo" "yaaah" "cannonball"

Jumping in so fast together water splashes out

marco polo, world pool

hours playing games are spent

Its dinner so we change into tank tops and shorts

After dinner we grab jars and containers

we spend an hour catching lightning bugs

we shower

have a slumber party, sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags

whispering till we fall asleep

But these are all memories now

put in a box in my head

but its ok, i don't care

is what i wish i felt

Instead im upset and no one really understands

-sofia turovich

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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