Chapter 1 The Idea

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As we set in a dreadfully boring planning meeting, I came up with my best idea yet. If we need more firepower, why don't we go to earth and get new people to help us.

As I suggested this, everyone in the room agreed that it was a great idea. We decided to move ahead with this plan.

Zander suggested, "well, if we are going to get new captains, what will Matthew do?"

"Ooh, ooh, he could captain our newest fleet of star ships, instead of being the captain of a single ship," suggested the king.

"I'm not so sure that Matthew is ready for something so big," said Devin, the commander of the Zeralokis Star Fleets.

"Oh, he will be working with you about this, Devin," said the king.

"So," I put in, "we should set a course for earth in the Voyager to get more earthlings."

"Exactly," said the king.

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