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-my lord, is it true you have a break today?- thoma had ran into the working space of the commissioner of the kamisato clan. -ah. you catch on quite fast thoma. you seem rather excited on the matter, hm?- ayato looked at the blonde who had a warm smile on his face that reminded him of the sun. thoma always reminded him of the sun, brightening up his day and radiating a warm feeling to the blue-haired man. -how could i not be excited? you've been overworking yourself for a while now.- thoma looked rather concerned now while bringing it back. the blonde always cared for the blue-haired man and made him feel rather joyous in difficult times. -ah... you're too kind thoma. it's important business for me to attend to so you needn't worry.- ayato simply replied with a soft, yet heartfelt smile. -my lord! that's exactly why!- thoma said with a huff before walking closer.

-it's beautiful outside, how about a walk my lord?- thoma asked with his usual smile. -of course. give me a moment.- ayato got up from his seat and walked towards a different room. both of the men put on their shoes before walking outside of the kamisato estate, greeted by the warm sun and cooling wind. thoma let out a sigh, enjoying the simple fresh air reminding him of his home place of mondstadt. -ah... i haven't been out in quite awhile....- the blue-haired man took a deep inhale before exhaling slightly lighter than the inhale. it was quite relaxing just being outside for the both. -alright my lord! would you like to follow my usual walking route or would you like going on your own accord?- thoma kept a smile this entire time, not noticing the commissioner's unwavering gaze. -if you wouldn't be too bothered by it, could we go by my own accord, please? i'd like to adventure for a little bit. my sincerest apologies if this seems a little... excessive.- ayato's soft smile matched his soft tone of voice. -of course we can! don't worry about it my lord, i'm willing to do anything to make your day a little bit better!- thoma didn't realise what his words did to the poor commissioner's heart, making it beat a little faster and causing slight butterflies in his stomach. -i.... i'm glad that you are here for me thoma. please, follow me.- ayato hesitated, but ended up grabbing the blonde's hand, slightly dragging him.

if thoma was being honest with himself, he really cared a lot about the commissioner. he had developed feelings for him quite early on but never realized until recently. he's been trying to drop hints here and there but of course... ayato never noticed his efforts, just ending up being confused as to why he was receiving such excessive care from the blonde. the housekeeper hummed quietly as they walked around the area of mt. yougou, still holding hands. his smile had faded from his usual bright smile to a more soft smile. he was still clearly enjoying himself, but it was more lighthearted than excited. meanwhile, the blue-haired man was more bashful, trying to ignore the warm hands that held his. the purple, pink, blue and blue-ish green leaves fell from the gentle wind, making the atmosphere more relaxing. ayato took another deep sigh before looking to thoma again. he was looking right back at him, his emerald green eyes piercing through ayato's lavender eyes. he looked like he was there for him, like he would reach into ayato's thoughts and take care of them, value them. his eyes travelled down to the blonde's peach lips and questioned a few things. how soft were they? would he ever get what he longed for, to kiss such a sweet sight? he couldn't help but cringe a bit at these stereotypical romantic thoughts that would be straight out of one of yae publishing house's light novels.

thoma looked like he was going to speak, but held back. ayato wanted to tell him that he didn't need to hold back from him, that he could tell him anything and he'd listen, but currently he was focused back on the emerald eyes of the now shy looking blonde. -ah.. um, my lord, would you like to go get some boba? my treat.- the blonde was clearly trying to break tension. -ah, of course. however, i'll pay.- the blue-haired man didn't want thoma to pay anyways since he was short on mora anyways. they started their walk towards inazuma city, conscious of how it would most likely take about an hour. thoma's heart fluttered slightly 'was he.... was he staring at my lips earlier? why would he...' were the only thoughts filling the housekeeper's little dense head.
their walk was filled with small talk (even if ayato hated it, he'd do anything for thoma) and little compliments from both parties. they were so head over heels for each other and neither realised. they're hands hadn't separated once and to assure of this outcome, thoma specifically avoided areas that he knew were high in hillichurl, nobushi and kairagi, and treasure hoarder camps. they had finally arrived and thoma had finally let go of the other's hand, both yearning for a little more than what they got. he got the favourite order of the commissioner and handed it to him, letting him take a sip before complementing how good it tasted and thoma's memory to remember how much he liked that type of boba. -thank you dear thoma. you have an exquisite memory for my tastes!- the blue haired man wondered if calling him "dear thoma" would be ok, he decided he'd ask when he got back to the kamisato estate. -wouldn't that be my job as housekeeper to know your interests and perfect them?- thoma seemed rather bashful while saying his sentence. -even if it was just your taste, i would probably still love it because of how immaculate your skills are! you are perfect thoma.- oh archons, did thoma want to hug onto this man and give him a little smooch on the cheek. but of course he couldn't, they're in public, he knows better than that.

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