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The sounds of swords clashing, footsteps and loud thuds were the only things heard in the large arena.

Kim Minji, number one in everything in the whole school and even always number one in the revues, was currently practicing with her best friend, Danielle Marsh, a very cheerful girl who loves smiling.

"I give up! You're too good, Minji." Danielle places her hands on her knees and pants, trying to get air into her lungs.

"You're too weak, Marsh... How am I supposed to make myself better when you give up so easily?" Minji furrowed her brows and turned away from the shorter girl, staring down at her rapier.

"You don't have to be so harsh, Minji. You always win anyway." Danielle said and finally stood up straight, her arms crossed as the tip of her toes help the German halberd in place beside her on the floor.

"Whatever. I'll just go rest. Thank you, Marsh." Minji walked off the arena and left Danielle alone, who was simply unbothered and used to Minji's behaviour.

"Hey girls! Want to eat lunch with us?" Lee Hyein, a very energetic girl waved at both Minji and Danielle.

"Come on, Minji." Danielle said with a smile and Minji simply shook her head before speaking, "I'll sit on my own." And walked off to order herself some food.

She placed her tray, gently, onto the table and sat down on the chair. She grabbed her chopsticks and pulled them apart before a loud noise slightly startled her.

It was Pham Hanni, the girl who was always below Minji on every subject and revue. Basically, Hanni liked calling herself and Minji rivals.

The loud noise was from the way Hanni harshly dropped her tray onto the table and sat down onto the chair apposite Minji.

Minji only smiled at Hanni and took her drink, moving it closer to her mouth and watching Hanni so the same. Minji placed the cup down after having a sip and started eating her food while Hanni did the same, but more... Aggressively?

The other girls, who sat on the table beside Minji's and Hanni's, watched with confused faces before Hyein started giggling.

Minji was finally alone in her own dorm. She was currently looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and getting interrupted by a noise coming from her phone.

It was the annoying ringtone which indicated that it was time for Minji to have a revue. She simply waited for the song to end and walked out of her dorm, heading for the elevator.

"Pham." Minji smirked at the shorter girl and stabbed her rapier down onto the metal floor.

"Kim Minji." Hanni didn't smile back, instead she wore an angry expression.

"Let the revue commence." A deep, masculine voice interrupted Minji's and Hanni's intense eye contact.

Minji's smirk only grew into a big grin before a platform under her suddenly raised her up, stopping midway to the ceiling.

"Try not to lose, Pham." Minji chuckled and started moving forward, not afraid of falling as other platforms created a path for her.

Hanni let out a loud battle cry and aimed her longsword at Minji, who moved to the side and jumped off the platform before Hanni could even land. Hanni groaned and followed Minji, jumping down after her, landing on another platform.

Before Hanni could even blink, Minji was charging at her, the rapier aimed straight at Hanni's face. With a grunt, Hanni blocks Minji's attack with her own sword, holding Minji's rapier against her longsword.

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