Timeline Love

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-Chapter I -

It was just a normal day like any other...well no it was not i was hanging out with my best friend Kristina. We layed outside in the grass and the sun was shining as suddenly a bright flash appeard. I only remembered that everything went black and i passed out.
I was sleeping as i felt some legs arround my hips and someone snuggling with my boobs. I opened my eyes. It was Kristina she was still sleeping.
We laid on a bed in a strange room. I looked arround as she started to undress my weird clothes i was wearing. "Kris, what are you doing?? hey stop that already and wake up! I don't know where we are.... i think we got kidnapped!!"
But i knew this couldn't be, because everything here looked just too oldfashioned.
I wasn't able to stop her she already threw my Top away and i realized that i was wearing no bra.
"Kris!!!" i blushed but she kept snuggling.
Suddenly the door opened.
A happy-looking man with a brown ponytail came in. He looked at us.
"Wow now that's sexy! Hey Heeeey Altair come here you must see this!!" he yelled.
I just looked shocked at him and grabbed the blanket to cover my bare chest.
Finally Kris woke up.
"Hm...? what's up?" she asked sleepy.
Another man came in.
"What is it, Ezio? Are the novices finally awake?" he spoke in an arabian accent while the others man's accent was italian at least i thought so.
"Meeeh. You are too late grandpa the show is already over...." he said a bit disappointed.
I looked at Kris "I think you slept too good, Kris" i said.
"and i think you two over there have no manners!" i continued.
"Well, and i think you, Saskia, slept too long and don't know how to treat your mentor." said the one the other man called Altair.
Wait.... what the hell was just going on here? Mentor..? Could it be that.. no that was impossible or...?
He pulled my ear and pulled me out of the bed.
"H...Hey!!!" i yelled grabbing the blanket like i would die without it.
Why the hell did he knew my name? I just thought i should just play the game and don't ask...
"This is not bene, Altair, you cannot treat your trainee like this! I show you how you do it right!" Ezio said.
"But Malik used to treat me like this back then" Altair said.
"Bene! but that is past now look!" He walked over to the bed and kissed softly Kris' forehead.
"Good morning, Kristina, have you slept well?" Ezio smiled at her.
She blushed and stared at him and looked confused.
Finally she raised her voice. "Who are you?"
"Me? My my did you have had a bad dream, my dear? I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and your Mentor."
She still looked confused. I looked at her trying to communicate with her without words that she also should just play this game.... whatever was going on here...
"Can you please release my ear, Mentor?" i said to Altair who was still pulling it.
"Only if you let go of the blanket. And Ezio, you are way too soft." he said.
Ezio looked to Altair "Well i think Kristina likes it better soft, right? And you only want yours to let drop the blanket because you want to see her naked, do not deny it!" Ezio smirked.
"No you do not!" Kris said and jumped up from bed to stand in front of me to cover me.
"Naked? how do you think so, Ezio? I am not like you. I am only rationally." Altair said.
"Well if you think so, i am happy just the way i am" Ezio replied and gave Kris a red rose.
Kris blushed again.
"Thank you... Ezio..." she said shyly. I looked at her.
"Aha! just look! When you are awake you are shy but when you sleep you wanna undress me and looping your legs arround my hips!" All of the three blushed.
"I did...what?" Kris said.
Altair sighed "Okay this is just too much information..... i don't really want to know this. Just get dress we will wait for you at the entrance"
Ezio stared at Kris and me.. i guess he waited for us to get undressed. Altair gave us our clothes.
"i said... WE WILL WAIT AT THE ENTRANCE." he repeated pulling Ezio with him outside and closed the door.
Kris and i were alone.

-Chapter II -

"Sasi, where are we? i feel like i slept a long time..... and i have a headache..." Kris said.
I looked at her and smirked "So you wanted to heal the headache with your actions while you were sleeping?" She blushed "N..No i... i am sorry." she said.
"It's okay...." i said softly.
"What's wrong?" she asked me.
"I... i don't know how to say it but....." i went to a window and looked outside.
"but what...?" She walked towards me to stand next to me and also looked out the window.
Her eyes opened wide, she looked shocked.
"....i guess.... we are in a pretty wrong timeline, Kris....." i said and hugged her.
We both didn't know what to say so i took the first word.
"I don't know how to get back in our timeline... but i guess there should be a way... trust me." i smiled.
"Well.... i think i would have nothing against it to stay here a while.... captured with you...... and this..... man.... Ezio....."
"So you have a crush on him?" i grinned.
"Do not make me jealous, understood?" i cupped her face and kissed her cheek.
She blushed and nodded. "I will try" she replied.
"Well... i don't like how my "Mentor" treat me.... but i have to admit that he is hot..." i confessed.
She looked at me. "Now you make me jealous.." she quietly said.
I looked softly at her.
"You mustn't.... he said you like it soft huh...? Well i guess i know it better..."
i smirked and grabbed her body and pushed her against the wall.
"You always know me better, Sasi...." she blushed.
I didn't reply i only gave her a deep kiss and stroked over her thighs.
She looked into my Eyes. "Sasi...?"
"What is it...?" i asked.
"Let's.... let's just swear to keep eachother safe whatever happens.... please..." she almost begged.
I smiled "Sure thing, of course we will" i raised my other hand while my other was stroking her inside-thighs.
I stretched out my little finger to give her the chance to hook hers in mine as symbol of our promise.
She hooked hers in and smiled, already shivering because my hand went higher alongside her inside thighs.
I kissed her once again.
I slowly let my hand slide in her pants. Kris shivered more and more.
I pressed her against the wall and rested my head on her shoulder to whisper softly in her ear
"Relax..... you will be fine......". I bit her ear.
My hand was now at her most sensitive area.
I rubbed my hand against her a bit and then inserted my finger into her moving it first slow then increased the tempo. She moaned into my ear.
"Kris you should not moan that loudly... you know... Ezio could hear it." i smirked and let her come.
She barely could stand on her own feet.
I pulled out my finger and let her suck it. While i supported her to stand.
"I guess you need fresh underwear now.. you are really wet~" i grinned and gave her a gently kiss at her cheek. Kris' heartbeat was so fast i could hear it really loudly.
"Still haven't had enough?" i asked.
She didn't know what to say. She sat down on the bed.
"I... Sasi i don't think i will be able to get dressed myself...." I laughed.
"Oh come on i'm not that good, you know that i am still virgin" i laughed.
"But if you wish so... i will help you."
I walked over to the bed and undressed her completely.
Then i went over and grabbed the clothes, Altair gave us.
"Assassin-uniforms and Weapons.... i think they want us to kill someone......i don't think i will be able to kill someone.... i guess i would die before i could get the chance to kill someone..."
Kris got up and hugged me from behind.
"No... not if i will protect you...." She kissed my neck while i quietly moaned.
"I don't want you to be in danger!" i claimed.
"Neither do i want YOU in danger, Sasi."
She said while slowly undressing me. I blushed.
"Will you continue your action from last night...? By the way... is your headache away? i made you come so it should be away!" i pouted.
"It is away.... thank you" she smiled and stroked her hands over my bare breasts.
We were both completely naked.
I hugged her tight.
"Kris... you know.... we really shouldnt take that much time.... i don't think... Altair will be happy if we take that long time.... you heard it we already slept to long...."
"I do not care..." she said snuggling against me.
Her Skin was so warm..... I looked into her eyes.
"You SHOULD care! I mean... i want back to our timeline....i miss my family.... i need to care for them...."
She kept silent. I let go of the hug and started to dress her in that complicate uniform.
She did the same to me.
I went over to a mirror and looked into it.
"Well... that sucks..." i said.
Kris came over to me. "What?" she asked.
"I am small..... and the boots.... have no....heels... so i am... FUCKING small..... "
She laughed.
"This is not funny" i said.
"It IS funny" she kept laughing.
"But why?" i asked her.
"Because you look cute and sexy" she said. I blushed.
"Oh Kris.." i laughed.
I heard from the window.
"oh... seems like my mentor has a bad day..." i said and looked out the window.
"I don't think he is patient...." Kris said.
"Yeah and that's your fault... healing your headache took to long~" i grinned and took a vase with water in it.
"I'm sorry...... what are you planning...?" Kris asked.
"Some fun" i said.
I looked out the window and saw Altair standing there i poured the vase over him. And i heard him curse loudly.
"I don't think this was a good idea...." Kris said.
"Well... that's his own fault...i don't like men without manners." i winked.
I took Kris' hand and went to the entrace.

Timeline LoveWhere stories live. Discover now