𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. a hole that you fill

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twenty six

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twenty six. a hole that you fill

            THE SULLY SIBLINGS SAT AROUND EACH OTHER WITH AO'NUNG, ROXTO AND TSIREYA AS LO'AK EXPLAINED WHAT HAPPENED OUTSIDE THE REEF. He told them how he had been saved by a Tulkun from an Akula. Le'ah never felt fear like she did when Lo'ak continued with his story, trying to avoid his twin's worrying eyes. She had a frown implanted on her face, taking in the information that she had felt Lo'ak drown, yet Kiri smiled, "I wish I'd been there. The ocean blessed you with a gift, brother."

      Le'ah scoffed to herself, inaudible to the people around her except for Neteyam. He saw the stressed look in her eyes, crossed with guilt, and held an arm out for the girl from where he was perched against a tree. Le'ah hesitantly glanced up at Neteyam, taking his hand with a thankful smile as Ao'nung spoke beside them.

      Since Lo'ak had taken the blame for Ao'nung, the boy was beginning to warm up to the family, yet Le'ah couldn't rid of the irritated feeling she'd get from just seeing his face, "the Tulkun have not returned yet. And, anyway, no Tulkun is ever alone."

      "This one was," Lo'ak informed. Le'ah gazed at her twin, seeing the desperation in his eyes for someone to believe the words he was saying, "he had, uh—a missing fin. Like a stump on his left side," Tsireya's eyes filled with recognition as a second went past, gazing back at the other Metkayina in the group, "Payakan! It's Payakan."

      Hearing the anxious tone of Tsireya, Le'ah frowned and asked, "who's Payakan?"

      From beside Tsireya, Roxto spoke up, explaining the Tulkun's story, "a young bull went rogue. He's outcast. Alone. And he has a missing fin," Le'ah knitted her brows deeply. The way they were describing Payakan linked with Lo'ak. And it made her chest heavy as Tsireya added to Roxto, "they say he is a killer."

      Lo'ak was quick to protest against the matter whilst Ao'nung inched forward, "he killed Na'vi. And other Tulkun," Le'ah couldn't help the worry building inside of her, though she knew that Lo'ak was telling the truth and wanted someone to believe him. Le'ah put her trust in her brother, "not here, but far from the south."

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