"It's too damn cold!" A slightly tanned teen said as she wrapped her jacket around her goose-bumped arms. Her attire was conceived of short shorts, a tank top, and a leather jacket her boyfriend gave to her. "I really hope there's a café nearby..."
As she walked on down the streets of Berlin, she came across a small café quaintly called Cafe des Bad Touch Trio. "Café des Bad Touch Trio...If this café is run by who I think it is...?" She smiled then ran into the café.
-----Really Short Time Skip Brought To You By Ze Awesome One-----
Maria opened the door to the café. The door's bell rang, signaling the entrance of the new customer. "Olá!"
"Velcome to ze café of ze awesome one!" "Where the food is always delisioso!" "And where ze service is always sexy~!" Three voices called from behind the counter towards the back of the restaurant.
Maria smirked then sat at the counter. "Antonio! Gilbert! Francis! I'd never thought that you three would start a café like this! Can I have the best food you got, boys?"
Antonio whispered in her ear. "Do you want to get drunk?"
"Big brother, I can handle it. Remember, I have had some of Ivan's vodka. Trust me, bro," Maria smirked, leaning back.
"Whatever you say, mon ami!" Francis slipped into the kitchen.
------Another Time Skip brought to you by...TOMATOES!------
Every time after a meeting, Maria would always go down to the café.
"Olá! Vou levar os meninos habituais!" She called, sitting at the counter.
Antonio gave her a blank look. "Qué?"
Maria smiled. "Toni...You know what I always get!" She pat the Spaniard's shoulder.
"Ohhhhh...I get it! Chica, you confuse me," Antonio smiled back then called back into the kitchen. "Cosa de Fria!"
And that's the end of another one-shot! Yay~! Carmen ish happy~!