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My life isn't perfect.In fact its far from perfect.i can't say i necessarily hate it though.I always believed that there was someone out there whose life was much worse than mine.

I always tend to think that I was adopted though i look a lot like my last born little brother.In a family of five children,I was always the odd one out.

My sister,Linsy was a bully but boys found her irresistable and so charming.She was like a two in one kinda chiq.One mean one at home and the other,well lets just say the sweet and adorable kind.

I always thought my mum wanted a second boy son.Dad always told me i had boy clothes when i was little,mum was really prepared for a son.So when i didn't work out,she tried again and was blessed in a two in one package,my twin brothers Lamar and Lance.They were the most irritating kids on earth like literally!They definately knew how to hit a nerve,especially mine .

Ludvig was our last born,the one i resemble.But hes's a lot lighter than all of us,he actually looks white!Mum wasn't planning for another baby but abortion was completely out of question.

My whole family is rowdy and i'm quite the silent type for a sixteen year old in 11th grade.Yeah, i'm still in school and i hate it.Practically the only black in the whole school.

I'm fat!Okay maybe that's a little exaggerated but i'm definately no size two.Linsy always said she loved my figure but i hated it.It attracted un neessary attention.I couldn't go down the school lobby without feeling the piercing eyes of boys literally boring through me.It was as if they were actually taking me to bed.

And yeah,I wasn't all that pretty though mum gave me a lot of sentiments on how i looked.My sister was pretty.She had a figure slighty bigger than mine but she loved the attention from guys.

Unlike me she was popular,pretty social for a black girl if you ask me.My existance was like her shadow.Everyone who knew me was because of her or my ass!

I hated me and yeah,i lied when i said i didn't.I actually have thought of running away from home but i feared the dark.In fact,i fear a lot of things;rats,roaches,being alone.The list was endless.

Oh and no,i didn't have any superpowers and if i did i'd wish to disappear ,well ofcourse if blowing a balloon through my nose was considered a superpower.Sometimes,ok all the times i wish i would just disappear from the face of the earth.Off to another planet which my company would be my phone,tv,laptop and fridge.Now that would be an awesome life.

I'm sixteen and in my whole life,i've never kissed a guy in my life,never had sex before and my first hug was an accident from a guy who had beeb dared to do it.

My sister had had sex before,tonnes of times.Well atleast thats what she told me.She rarely lied to me BTW but she was awsome at it especially if it led her out of trouble.Well,i never told anyone anything.I preffered bottling up my feelings.I'd once considered writing a diary but i gave up on the third day.The thought of it getting caught gave me goosebumps.

Well,my life slightly,okay let's face it,completely changed when Dan,our new neighbor moved in.My life took a change for the wild side.He made me do things i never thought id ever do.He changed my life and i'm not sure if its for the better or worse...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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