Hello and Goodbye

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Underneath the chilly night sky they stood, hand in hand. It was quite late at night, and Kyran felt his eyelids collapsing as he fought the urge to fall asleep then and there. He rested his head on Alec's shoulder under the shelter of a slightly filthy bus stop.

'Get up, the bus is here.' Alec whispered softly in his ear.

He stumbled on the ground, exhaustion finally catching up to him. He was glad the bus had arrived, perhaps he could catch a short nap before they arrived at their destination.

All of a sudden, within a blink of an eye an old and rusted car swerved into the path, the bus took a violent break as Alec instinctively pushed his boyfriend out of the way.

It took Kyran a moment to collect himself, but when he did, he was greeted with blood spilling out of the red head repeatedly. His horrified eyes reflected the terrible scene, passengers rushed out of the bus to find the horrifying scene.

The car, after being stained with Alec's crimson blood, had crashed into a nearby streetlight, utterly bending the pole inwards while destroying the front of the ugly car itself. The driver, who appeared to be a middle aged man suffering from hair loss, too had blood gushing out of him.

Alec's back was pasted upon the dirty clear wall of the bus stop, his body slowly slid downwards, he was unconscious. Kyran's throat felt dry, he didn't know how to react. The next thing he felt were tears falling out of his eyes, and he had no power or control over his own body.

He felt stunned, paralyzed. His knees were on the floor as he drew closer to the bloodied man, his hand shaking and his voice hitched, he was barely even able to move. A man approached him, trying his best to calm him down. The man had immediately called for an ambulance the moment his eyes laid upon the scene.

Soon, a few police cars had made their entrance. The crowd surrounding them had been dispersed, yet Kyran sat still, refusing to move an inch from his body, he held his hand tightly, as if time had paused all around them.

'Sir, we are going to have to ask you to move away with the rest.' An officer commanded.

Yet he did not budge. Tears continued to stream out of his eyes, he wanted to refuse, to cry as loud as he could. But he couldn't. He was helpless, mortified. Soon the ringing sirens of an ambulance arrived and Alec's bloody body had been carried away.

The next thing he remembered was sitting in a hospital, awaiting the doctor's news. The police had concluded that it was a drunk driver incident, as the alcohol levels in his blood were quite high. Kyran's mind was blank, the only thing he could recall was the horrific scene that was before his eyes previously.

If only he hadn't been in a daze, then perhaps they could have avoided such an accident. He felt the tears returning.

A few more hours later, he was allowed to enter Alec's patient room. He was covered in bandages, as well as a cast on his left arm. Kyran sat beside him, he wanted to say something. Yet the only thing he could do was silently cry. Words were failing him, he felt like he was being strangled.

This was all his fault. If only he'd been more alert, if only he had paid a little more attention to their surroundings. Then maybe, he wouldn't be laying immobile in this white hospital bed. Maybe he wouldn't be covered in white bandages from head to toe.

Kyran cried his heart out, until eventually, all the tears had been drained from his eyes. Still, not a word or a sound was made. He remained silent, and his throat was still dry. The feeling of strangulation persisted.

He stayed by his side until the next morning, staring at his facial features and brushing his fingers through his hair, holding his hand softly and whispering into his ear, hoping by some chance he'd be able to hear his voice and stay with him.

Kyran had soon passed out, finally giving into the looming feeling of exhaustion. He was finally able to take a rest.

'What day is it?' Alec muttered.

'February 14th...' Kyran replied, not realizing to whom he was responding to.

'Then... Happy Valentine's Day, loser.' The red head turned his head towards him, smiling softly.

Kyran's heart jumped, his body bolted up so suddenly that he fell off the chair he was sitting on. The morning light reflected off his face, his red hair mixed with a dash of orange and yellow. At that moment, he looked dazzling. Like a fairy dancing across a field of greenery, like flowers shining in the stormy rains.

He began tearing up again, except this time, he could breathe. He ran towards Alec, embracing him and crying into his neck. He felt the strangling feeling leave him, he was finally able to speak again.

'Happy Valentine's Day, delinquent.' He sniffled.

—————————> Different ver of the ending!!

A single line was all it took to completely shatter Kyran. The heart monitor made a loud beeping noise as he bolted up, his hand immediately covered his mouth as he shook his head in disbelief.

'Liar.' He gulped.

His eyes were wide open, and a group of doctors immediately rushed inside.

'Sir, we will have to ask you to leave.' One of the bunch requested, a look of panic written all across their faces.

'You will make him wake up again, right?' Kyran breathed heavily, his heart dropped.

No reply came from the medical experts, they all scrambled to work and none paid any attention to him.

'He's not dead, right? That thing is lying, right? This is all a hoax, right?' He shouted, not willing to leave.

'Sir, you will have to leave. We'll... do what we can.' They responded.

'That's not good enough! I need you to promise me! Promise me that he can wake up! ... Please?' Kyran's voice shook, as he pleaded with the doctors.

The only reply he received was a pair of security guards escorting him out.

The doctors were correct. There shouldn't be a reply. Since, there is no Alec left.

'Apologies for your loss, sir. You may... head inside now.' A doctor apologized.

Kyran didn't give him an answer, he wobbled into the room unsteadily, unwilling to accept this reality.

It was 12 at midnight.

'Happy Valentine's Day, darling.' He wiped his tears in a futile attempt to disguise the fact he had been crying.

'Please wake up now...' He sobbed.

What happened to forever?

February 13thWhere stories live. Discover now