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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Two❞
━━━ Lovely Nicknames. . .

Dear Dad,Today is the day

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Dear Dad,
Today is the day. . . the game begins!

Prongs asks, 'Is it Gryffindor versus Slytherin?'

No, dad. It's me against Corner!

Prongs asks, 'Which corner? Don't tell me it's your study corner, son. I definitely don't wanna study!'

/Lily pushes Prongs off the page/

Lily says, 'Don't listen to him. Go and win her, Sweetheart.'

/Prongs gets back on stage/

Prongs asks, 'Is it about that Co girl?'

It's Cho, but, yeah.

Prongs says, 'Oh.'


Wish me luck, y'know? Don't be lazy. It's the matter of your son's love life!


Prongs says 'Don't get Toe-ragged.'

Lily says 'Don't take /Prongs/ advice.'

Umm. . . Okay. . . See you, I guess. . .
- Confused Harry :0

Harry was dining with a serene atmosphere around him. There was no over-eating Ron or no pessimistic Hermione. It was just him, and oh, he had never appreciated solitude so much before. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, every good thing must come to an end; the tranquil setting was sliced off like grated parmesan by the appearance of a grumpy Ginny Weasley. Harry frowned when she slipped into the seat beside him.

"Why are you sitting here?" he asked her moodily. She shot him a glare which silenced him.

"I'm supposed to be your 'girlfriend'. Now help me to get rid of those guys standing by the entrance," she hissed. Harry frowned at the archway under which three boys with big beady orbs were standing. They had one thing in common, even if their houses were different: their eyes were concentrated on the redhead beside him.

"What do you want me to do? Stop your skin care and forget your hair care as well. They'll stop their eye nourishment," Harry shot back.

"Are you kidding me?! Okay, fine. I'm not helping you with Chang, Hissarold," she replied, swinging her legs off the chair and kicking his thigh on purpose.

𝐒𝐞𝐧̃𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚  ━━━ H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now