Aircon vs. Winter

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Shadow: *sets aircon to 20 degrees*

Mystery (Marshall's new name): There I change my na- Eep! So cold!

Sonic: Wooh! 20 degrees in one small room!

Mystery: That's the problem morons! It's just a small room!

Red: I'll go get my jacket.

Mystery: Get meh one too, Senpai!

Red: No!

Mystery: Then hug meh!

Red: No either!

Silver: This is so much the same as winter. *gets a scarf*

Sonic: It's not the same! It's way more colder in winter.

Mystery: Why you guys fighting about dat? -.- You know there's no winter here in our country (wooh! Philippines! 0u0).

Shadow: *puts it on 18 degrees* >:D Mwuahahahaha!

Mystery: 0n0 Bad! *notices Scourge went in the room* Why you here?

Scourge: You said you needed a hug.

Mystery: No, not you. *notices that Classic Sonic was behind Scourge* 030 I'll have a hug from Classic Sonic! ^_^ Hihi!

Classic Sonic: *jumps and hugs Mystery*

Mystery: *hugs back* Yay! You're so cute and fluffy.

Red: *went inside the room then glares at Classic Sonic and Mystery* 0no

Mystery: Go with Gabbie. XD Don't need any hugs from you anymore. *hugs Classic Sonic tighter*

Red: T^T My little Mystery girl!

Mystery: I'm not yours, Senpai. You belong to Gabbie! Eesh! You both make a cute couple. *releases Classic Sonic*

Sonic: Are you being sarcastic? 0.o

Mystery: A little. XD *glares at Senpai* Now go fetch your Princess, Senpai.

Red: :( *made a death glare to Classic Sonic*

Classic Sonic: *goes to the back of Mystery*

Mystery: Jealous 'cause Classic Sonic is more cuter than you? *holds Classic Sonic's hand*

Sonic: Gotta admit, I was cute before.

Mystery: Now you're handsome. :3

Sonic: Thanks. :3

Mystery: Shadow's hot while Silver is awesome.

Shadow: Weew! :/

Silver: Hehehe!

Red: How about meh? :(

Mystery: Awww! Don't look at meh like dat. :3 You're my only Senpai and the first guy that ever got to know every dark and weird secret I have. You're my lil' Senpai, right?

Red: Hehe! *started scratching the back of his neck* =__=

Mystery: *carries Classic Sonic* Don't worry, I still have your teddy bear. It's in my room. And I always cuddle it before I go to bed. ^u^

Red: 0u0

Scourge: *takes Classic Sonic* Gemme that.

Mystery: No! Hate you Scourge! D:

Classic Sonic: *squirms*

Scourge: Hug meh first bebeh!

Mystery: =.= *smirks*...... >:D...... *walks towards Scourge then punches him* Punch!

Scourge: *falls on the floor* =0= Ouch!

Mystery: No hugs! *hugs Classic Sonic again*

Scourge and Red: -n- T.T

Mystery: You guys are bad! Ò_ó

Red: Sowwy boss.

Scourge: ........

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