Chapter 1

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Trust is a word that is played off as something that bonds people. It doesn't really exist. The word just plays with people's hearts and ruins their minds. That's all I could think about as I walked out of the courthouse with my dad and Aunt Sarah. Knowing my life was a whole different story than I thought it was, scared the hell out of me.


Walking out of my office I noticed how gloomy it was outside. Elijah was waiting in his Jeep as I almost threw myself down the broken steps. I could hear the laughing of my boyfriend as I chucked my bag into the backseat.

"Nice job.", he jokingly said, putting the car into gear. I shook my head and turned away until I noticed the way his hand glided over the steering wheel. Putting my head on the headrest of the seat, I felt something plop into my lap. The feeling startled me and I looked down to see a little white box with a red ribbon tied around it.

"What's this?", I said with a big grin on my face. Elijah popped the trunk of the car open after he parked at the cliff parking lot. He opened my door and led me to the ledge where there was a picnic set up for us.

"I thought it would be nice to treat you to a nice birthday lunch before dinner tonight", he said charmingly. I was so stupid for his boyish charm. "Open up the gift". He layed back his arms propping him up on the ground. Inside the box was a necklace that had a magnifying glass made of white gold and diamond on it. The sunset reflected it perfectly as my jaw dropped open with shock.

"Elijah", I said, pulling him into the biggest hug ever. He placed the necklace around my neck. I shivered when his cold hands brushed up against my now hot skin. The bond between him and me was based on our love and trust for each other. He trusts me with his life and I trust him with mine. Trust is more important to me than even coming close to becoming a crime scene investigator. I finally found a job and I'm waiting for my first case.

"I hope you enjoy the lunch, love.", Elijah said with his raspy, deep voice. He took a sip of the soda he brought and relaxed watching people run across the sand below.
"I did. Thank you.", saying that with a whole bite of sandwich in my mouth made Elijah laugh. He was almost a man-child at this point. Elijah plays basketball at Duke University and is studying education. His dream is to become a basketball coach one day. I hope he becomes successful and we can move together to a smaller place. I love North Carolina and our college is great, but I want to be more rural.

Elijah packed up the beautiful picnic he planned and then tossed the basket into the backseat. I thought I noticed a red-ish brown stain in the back of the car, but it was probably from food. Getting into the front seat, I looked back and noticed more of the unusual stain. It looked almost like blood but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I decided to just ignore it so that Elijah wouldn't get upset with me. Arguments are one of the things that I hate the most in my life. Especially when it's with someone you trust.

We were driving to my parents' house for the weekend. They got a new puppy and I was super excited to let them know about my new job. I am a crime specialist. I specialize in detective work and dealing with crime scenes. All through my life I participated in all the school events that needed problem-solving. When I was in my first year of crime scene lab, I did this case where a girl was strapped to a tree. It turns out that she stranded herself in the woods as a way of committing suicide. As a college student, that's not something you would be able to see everyday.

The drive was long, and tiring. I knew we were close to town when we stopped to get some gas at the station where I remember getting slushies from when I was a kid.

"Elijah I need to get a blue slushy", I said in a very serious tone. He burst out laughing as I skipped my way into the gas station. As I walked to the slushy machine I saw a familiar figure with dirty-blonde hair and nice muscular arms. He turned around and I realized it was Dawson, a kid that I graduated with. Remembering my old feelings for him made my cheeks hot as he studied me briefly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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