Kings cross station & Hogwarts express

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                                                                    Diego's POV

I'm walking with my dad, little brother, Monica (dads new girlfriend) and her daughter Hermione. We're heading towards platform 9 3/2. Hermione and I are both in second year but Austin is starting his first year. Hermione is in Gryffindor and I'm in Ravenclaw. I don't know what house Austin will be in but I don't care. Dad was a Slytherin. I was holding Austin's hand trying to ease his nerves. Once we got between platforms 9 and 10 we looked around to make sure no one was looking then Hermione and Monica ran through the barrier. I then squeezed Austin's hand to reassure him before we ran through the barrier together followed closely by our dad. Dad and Monica hugged us. As we were boarding the train dad yelled "You three better not forget to owl us. And Austin it doesn't matter what house your in, you'll always have your brother to look out for you." Once we all promised to owl, the three of us went to find our friends. We couldn't find them so the three of us opted to sit in a compartment together. Right before the train pulled away a red head girl and a red head boy, who I'm assuming were Weasleys, came in. "Can we sit with you lot? Everywhere else is full." The boy asked. I had to take a deep breath before answering, he was absolutely stunning. "Y-yeah g-go ahead." I said, silently cursing myself for stuttering. Hermione looked at me with a knowing look but I just ignored her. The boy was gorgeous. His red hair held a little more brown than the rest of the Weasleys and his eyes weren't brown. His eyes were a soft greyish blue color. After the two sat down the girl started to talk. "What are your names? I'm Ginevra Weasley but I go by Ginny. Do you'll have siblings? What house are you'll in?" She rambled until her brother interrupted her. "I say we go in a circle and introduce ourselves. Let's state our name, age, house or what house you think you'll be in, your family and sexuality." "Ok I'll start." I spoke up. "I'm Diego Gil Timmons-Miller. I'm twelve years old, I'm in Ravenclaw. My family consists of my mom Georgia, my dad Gil, my stepdad Paul, my sisters dad Zion, my dads girlfriend Monica, my big sister Virginia or Ginny for short, Monica's daughter Hermione and my little brother Austin. And my mom's pregnant. And I'm gay." Austin spoke up next.  "I'm Austin Gil Timmons-Miller. I'm eleven years old, I want to be in Ravenclaw. My family consists of my mom Georgia, my dad Gil, my stepdad Paul, my sisters dad Zion, my dads girlfriend Monica, my big sister Virginia or Ginny for short, Monica's daughter Hermione and my big brother Diego. And my mom's pregnant. And I haven't figured out my sexuality yet." Hermione, who was bouncing in her seat, spoke up next. "I'm Hermione Jean Granger. I'm twelve years old and I'm a Gryffindor. My family consists of my mother Monica, my father Windell, my moms boyfriend Gil and his sons Diego and Austin. I'm lesbian." The girl spoke up again. "I'm Ginevra Molly Weasley but I prefer Ginny. I'm eleven years old, I'm most likely going to be in Gryffindor like every other Weasley. My family consists of my mom Molly, my dad Arthur, my oldest brother Bill, my older brother Charlie, my older brother Percy, my older twin brothers Fred and George, my older brother Ron and my adopted brother Bud. I'm pansexual." Lastly the boy spoke up. "I'm Bud Amos Diggory-Evans-Potter-Weasley. I'm eleven years old, I want to be in either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. My family consists of my adopted mom Molly, my birth mom Lily, my adopted dad Arthur, my birth dad Amos, my oldest adopted brother Bill, my older adopted brother Charlie, my older adopted brother Percy, my older half brother Cedric, my older adopted twin brothers Fred and George, my older adopted brother Ron, my older half brother Harry and my adopted sister Ginny. I'm gay."

                                                                                    Bud's POV

I could see the shock on Hermione's face when I mentioned I was related to THE Harry Potter. Austin just sat quietly while Diego was blushing like he has since Ginny and I walked in. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't cute. I then got confused. "Wait so all three of you are all basically in the same family?" I asked. Austin nodded. "If dad and Monica get married Hermione will be our step sister." He said happily. I was about to speak when Hermione suddenly stood up. "We should probably get in our robes, we should be arriving soon. Ginny and I will change in the washroom. You boys get dressed here. We'll be back." With that said her and Gin grabbed their robes and left the room. I pulled the curtains on the window closed and Austin made sure no one could see in the carriage. The three of us pulled our robes down and got dressed. I then watched as Diego tied Austin's tie. I then asked a question I had been thinking. "Why are Austin and your sister named after places?" Diego answered my question with a smile on his face. "We were named after the places we were born. Ginny was born in Virginia, Austin was born in Austin, Texas and I was born in San Diego, California." After a few minutes we arrived at the train station and Diego asked Gin and I to take care of Austin till we were sorted, to which we both agreed. Us first years were ushered into boats. Ginny, Austin and I shared a boat with a blonde girl with a peculiar fashion sense. She spoke in a dreamy voice and I could tell Ginny immediately liked her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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