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It was another normal day in Metropolis, as the Shadow Warriors and the girls seemed to be running to catch a ferry.

Diana: [panting] Come, sisters and comrades. The twilight of our struggles is not yet upon us.

Kara: Hurry! Before it's too late.

Nathan: We can still make it!

Karen: [breathing heavily] Right... behind you.

Babs: It's getting away!

[ferry horn blaring]

Dick: Well, crap.

Babs: Aw! We missed it.

Kara: Nuts to that. We've got places to be.

They had decided to have a fun time in the western district of the Metropolis, but they had forgotten about the time. Now, they were in a race to catch up to the last ferry to get back to the city.

Diana: "Quick friends, the last ship is about to leave."

Diana said as they all ran after the ship.

Kara: "Yeah, you don't need to tell us twice, Diana. No way am I missing my concert."

Kara replied, running next to her.

Babs: "At least you don't have a curfew."

Jessica: "I have to make it to the rally before they begin."

Tim: "There!"

Tim pointed at the ferry as it prepared to set sail.

The ferry was slowly leaving the port, with the loading bay already closing.

The two teams of heroes rushed even faster, should they be forced to take a long way back.

Zee: "Run faster. We're almost there."

Sadly, however, not all of the team was running as fast as they hoped. Karen, given her shorter stature, was far behind the rest of the group. She moved as fast as her legs could take her, and yet she was barely able to catch up.

The coat was about to leave so the two teams had to jump, Karen was the one behind as her short height made it difficult for her to catch up, but most of them were able to get on while Karen was trying to reach it.

Jessica: "Come on, Karen, hurry."

Zee: "You can still make it."

Karen was running as she was breathing hard, and then she stopped at the end of the pier.

Zee: "You just got to try.

Karen was thinking, and she lost confidence and said:

Karen: "I can't."

The girls were sad for her as they saw her being left behind, and Babs.

Babs: "Use your-"

But Zee quickly covered her mouth.

Zee: "There are far too many people around."

Karen: "I'll be fine, I'll catch the next one."

Karen said, then she looked at the ticket booth, and it got closed, making her sigh.

Meanwhile, at LexCrop

Lex: Looks like there are no signs of the talismans.

Shendu: We're wasting time. The Shadow Warriors are one step ahead. It's time to summon a Khan Beast.

Shendu summoned his army of Shadowkhan and created a mini mantis statue.

Shendu: You.

Shendu ordered a Ninja Khan to come forward, which it did. Lex puts the mini mantis statue on the Ninja Khan's forehead and transforms him into an ugly monster.

DC Rise Of The Shadow Warriors (DC Superhero Girls x OC)Where stories live. Discover now