Part 1: The Empress

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Romanadvoratrelundar watched as the TARDIS console rose up and down. Underneath it a man's boots protruded out. She sighed to herself. 

"Doctor?" she said to the pair of boots. 

"Hummm." Came an echoed grunt that sounded less like a question and more like an exclamation of annoyance. 

"We have been in here for I don't know how long can't you take a break? We could get breakfast somewhere." 

A curly haired man pushed himself out from underneath the console he gave her a toothy grin. 

"Romana you know I need to finish the calibrations." 

"Well, can I at least have a look?" 

The Doctors grin faded "I've been working on this ship for well over double your lifetime I'll have you know, I don't think you 'having a look at it' will fix anything." 

"Sometimes Doctor.." 

Romana was interrupted by a mechanical dog wheeling its self into the main console room, it had a panel balanced on it's back. 

"The dimension processor master." The dog chimed. 

"Ah thank you K-9, good boy." 

"Doctor that isn't even time lord technology you can't stick that in the console." 

The Doctor, ignoring her protest swiped the panel off of K-9 and with a humph climbed back underneath the console.

Romana let out another, rather over-exaggerated sigh although she knew it wouldn't do much then said "I'm going to the library." 

"Hmmph," The Doctor said over the whizzing of his sonic screwdriver. 

"Come along K-9" 

"Yes, mistress" chimed K-9 following her through the zig-zagged double doors into the endless halls of the TARDIS. 

Romana had gotten used to navigating the Doctors TARDIS by now, usually on the newer models she had been in back on Gallifrey there would be hundreds of people roaming the corridors checking and rechecking things making sure each calibration was spot on. Then you had the Doctor, who (although she really hated to admit it) was a genius in his own regard and could do the job of those hundreds of crew members in a couple days give or take a faulty calibration system. She glanced down at the metal dog that was now gliding along the corridors alongside her.

"K-9," she said. 

"Yes mistress?" 

"Did you perform the proper algorithms to fit the dimension processor into the console?"

"This K9 unit calibrations are most accurate mistress." 

"And it won't affect the flight of the TARDIS at all?"


"Well as long as you say so." Romana shrugged and made a right turn into the TARDIS library. The grand shelves stood 20 feet high all covered with books that were from all around the universe. Some shelves were made of stone some made of wood and others were built right into the TARDIS wall. She scanned all the books at the front. 

"Read, read, read, read." She said to herself glancing at all the various titles, some fiction some nonfiction some from Gallifrey some from other worlds. She walked over to the comfy chair in the center of the library and collapsed into it. 

"K-9 I am afraid that I am bored." 

"Would you like me to attempt to entertain you, mistress? This unit is equipped with music capabilities." Music started play from the panel on K-9s back. 

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