✝ 5: Cursed Woods

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Moist, wet leaf-blades

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Moist, wet leaf-blades.

Sleek and threatening...

The dark clouds, along with the dangers one is unaware of. That's how it was...

In the dark woods, full of silence, just the sound of our feet crumpling the parched greenery along with some cold winds, wailing through the distance, moving to and fro against the tips of plants, rustling them, tenderly.

It was ironic how the leaves on the ground were parched and almost roasted, whereas the leaves on trees were moistened-sticky, just like the humid weather. It was a swampy area but many parts of the vegetation were almost lifeless, brown, and tearing apart just by the effect of the breeze.

There was no talking. Just focusing and looking out for any trouble that would make its way to us. 

The forest was fairly open and immense, not congested like I imagined. Along with a big ground, it had several ways, leading to different zones, which made it harder to choose a  single one.

My right leg unknowingly tripped over a weak-brown creeper, almost making me slip again until someone's hand saved me from dropping down.

"Careful there," 

"Thanks, Jimin," I nodded at him, shifting my body back into the right position. Looking out for any other creepers or slippery surfaces, I made sure to walk meticulously.

It had almost been an hour since we were walking. Just some small chats here and there, and getting to know more about Jungkook. He's a junior too, like us, and is from the Eastern Tower. He belongs to the color Azure and talking to him, I learned that he had a significant interest in singing and writing. He's quite good. 

I was feeling a bit... grumpy and dull.

From the moment we entered here, it looked like we were just trailing behind Taehyung and that Peleste. They keep chatting and laughing on god knows what, while we are far behind them. It seemed as if we committed a single foul mistake, we would be faced with unbounded anger through just an eye stare of the senior ahead of us. 

Kim Taehyung had hurt me. How could he threaten me and embarrass me in front of everyone? I was just being playful... It was an insignificant action yet I felt so... bad. I expected more from him. Was it too much to be kind to me? Is it a lot to ask for? Seems like he's troubled by my presence, just like Jongwa... 

"What do these different badge colors mean?" I asked Jimin, implying at his Emerald badge, trying to forget the bitter feeling in my heart. 

"Hm? These show us our primary powers and the tower we'll be a part of. Once we're allotted a shade, we are supposed to master those powers and learn their associated spells. We're given colors according to our strengths and individual qualities."

Didn't see that coming...

"Oh, I didn't know about the powers associated with them..." My shoulders slumped. What kind of powers? 

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