Emma Willis: five years. Five years since big brother took a much needed rest, but now...he's back.
[crowd cheers]
Emma: we're back!! I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to be back...we have 10 brand new housemates who will be the first people to EVER enter the brand new house as housemates. What do you think? Should we meet the first one?
[crowd cheers]
[tom walks out to 90% cheers 10% boos]
Tom: wooo![he walks over to Emma and hugs her]
Emma: hello!!
Tom: god you look gorgeous!
Emma: thank you, thank you.. you may now enter!
[he walks up the stairs and walks in after the doors open, they close behind him]
Tom: oh my god this house!
[he looks around the house smiling]
Emma: want another one?
[cameron walks in awkwardly, waving to 100% cheers]
Emma: head in!
[he smiles]
Cameron: thank you Emma!
[he walks in the house]
Tom: you alright mate?!
Cameron: hello! I'm fine thank you. God this is so surreal!