ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ: Prophecies

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One day the world will end— that's what Dexter has always been told. And when the world ends, there will be no stopping it. Dexter remembered at the time being afraid, but nothing like now.
He's killed and plundered, followed his father into the life of a criminal. Not just any average killer though. No— what they call a creepypasta, that's who he is. And there are a lot more others like him all locked away from society inside the a mansion in the forests of Illinois. From the dark webs of media, from people's horrific imagination. No one knows they really existed. Only that they heard rumors on Twitter or Instagram. That's apart of being a creepypasta. Everyone doubts you're real. Therefore, you can kill and plunder with no consequences.

As soon as Dexter had his first kill, he was guided to the Creepypasta mansion to which his guide— a tall, slender man with no facial features creatively called Slenderman— called the House of Chaos. Dexter learned why, for he was one of those guys dilly-dallying around. Except some days when the head aches become too much to bare. Those are the days he sits in his room, doing nothing but give in to what his mind was trying to show.
For the most part when those days occur he is given the privacy he needs; they all already learned what happens if you push him to roughly toward the age when he's not feeling like himself. But some days he doesn't need to be left alone his dark room that suddenly to him felt suffocating. Sometimes he needed a good friend's presence cloaking him like a blanket. Those are the days Jane, who's his mother figure, comes and takes care of him. He is, after all, technically still a kid. In his late teens, but still a kid nonetheless.

It's been like this since he turned 13. Migraines that kept him from functioning, crazy visions that followed of the future. But what did his mother do? She put him on pills, called him crazy, called him psychotic, sadistic, and schizophrenic. It's nice that Jane isn't like her. She won't call him insane, even when he does some crazy shit.

These migraines are what brought him to the same path his father walked upon. That, and the fact that his father made an appearance in his life. Now that Dexter was no longer a baby, his father thought finally it was time he had custody; he's been raised halfway, surely his father could raise him the rest of the way. Though Dexter's practically raising his own father (no offense to him. Honestly, he'd rather be with his dad than his mother). At first he didn't trust his father. He was a killer, after all.

But all those trust issues planted in him vanished when he took Slender's hand and followed him into the woods. They showed him a better life. A life where, no matter if he's weird or crazy or stupid, he's loved just the same. His father had been the first to greet him at the mansion's doors.

Unlike his mother, his father showed how much he was proud of Dexter. They might be mentally practically the same age, but his father made sure his safety came first. That's better than his mother ever could do.

This morning, Dexter sat in his bed, blankly staring at his dark gray walls. Slender called, "Breakfast!!"
He heard everyone's footsteps come down the stairs like a stampede. Covering his ears, he let out a groan while his head pulsed.

Dexter rolled to the other side of his bed, face to face with the hell-hound sharing his bed— like Dexter, he didn't like being left alone sometimes (or he was eating the teen's nightmares; whatever mood he was feeling).
"Good morning, Smile." Dexter murmured.

Smile just smiled creepily at him, his black and red coat messy from rolling around in his sleep. Groggily, Dexter grabbed his brush and brushed the demonic husky's coat, sitting up carefully to do so, "I don't know how you get your fur knotted this bad." He muttered to the dog, "Have you been fighting people in your sleep?" He asked, "My mom said I used to sleep-fight all the time. Said I got it from my dad."

Smile snorted with disbelief. He glanced at Dexter with the most apparent expression of amusement a dog could ever have on its face. Soon Dexter was done brushing his pelt. Standing up, he mumbled, "I suppose we better get ourselves some breakfast, huh?"

As soon as Dexter opened the door, Smile made a dash down into the dining area where everyone sat at a huge table. Slowly Dexter smiled, not looking forward to socializing with his murderous family.

Ej and Ben was talking about yesterday's hunt, telling the story of killing some annoying blondie who thought it was a good idea to flee into the wood she knew was their domain. The other pastas were fascinated with their story, cackling.

Considering the household was quite huge, the table at which they eat at had assigned seats, so everything doesn't get crowded on one side and everyone's by someone they get along with. Dexter took his seat in between Jeff and Liu, slouching in his chair as he filled the plate in front of him with bacon, just bacon.

"Hey, kiddo." Jeff's gaze lit up at sight of Dexter. He gently ruffled his already messy black hair, making it even more messy.
"Hey, dad." Dexter mumbled, gifting Smile a piece of his bacon. He flinched as the hellhounds jaws almost clamped down on his hand.

"Did you have a good night's sleep."
Dexter shrugged in response.
"Well, that's no good. It's your turn to hunt tonight."

"Yeah.. I know." Dexter sighed.

"Tea?" Jane came by, offering a cup toward the young boy.
He took it gratefully, "Yes, thank you."
She smiled sweetly, then scowled at Jeff with a murderous hatred.

As he took sip of his tea, his mind was suddenly racked with visions. He backed out of his chair in fear, his pupils going blank as they fixated on what the visions was showing him. His father stood as well, rushing to his son's side with concern.

"...Dexter..! Dexter!!"

Their voices faded in head. Flashes of flames and crimson covered his sight. Images of rows of armies of demonic creatures surrounding the woods, plundering what they pastas have conquered upon command of their dark lord. What really remained with him was a glimpse of a young woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair. Her body was lined with gold and ruby jewels, and she had on the most beautiful black gown Dexter had ever seen. From her crimson lips she mouthed,
"I am the key..."
A single tear fell from her eyes, thick like blood and colored black.

Smile barked and pounced up on Dexter, knocking him over in a way to make him snap away from his vision. It worked.
Dexter let out a sharp scream, hyperventilating with deep, heavy breathing. Jeff offered his hand, looking down upon him with a concerned look reflecting everyone else's.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he hauled his son up. Dexter dusted himself off, calming down his nerves, "Y-yeah. Just..." He trailed off, "I-I think I saw a sign..."

"Spit it out boy." Ej grumbled.
Jeff shot him a warning glare.

"I think I saw a sign of Zalgo's return."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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