we meet

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Yes, Howlizer It was I who awoke you from your cursed slumber. It has been a millennium, but your fate has been redirected from deep slumber for all eternity. Full of unanswered questions chuckled the thickly bearded man, curious about what role you are burdened to carry out. Well, that would take too long to explain, however, one thing I must say before you leave. The Great Howlaizer's Rage will fulminate this world.
Howl looks at him. He could tell by his facial expression that he is a lazy wolf who doesn't like to do much of anything. Though you sense that if provoked, it could lead to disaster
Howl senses he is being watched from afar by someone, he searches around but sees nothing but a bunch of oil shinning boxes piled up, he shrugs, thinking he is just paranoid. Howl curls into a ball of floof and is soon asleep on the floor
A redhead anime girl is walking through a dark forest full of monsters she's never seen before. Then she stumbles upon an opening in the forest and sees a sleeping wolf-like creature. She thought to herself: if I killed it while it was asleep, then I can sell its hide and meat for a lot of money. She sneaks up to the beast with a knife in her hand, ready to kill it...
Someone there?
The girl stabs Howl with a knife however it breaks on impact. Terrified by what just happened, she runs away at full speed.
Howl looks at the girl as she runs. He then smiles, thinking that the girl is merely playing tag with him. In an instant, he teleports in front of the girl, only using one paw to push her over and pin her down
Howl laughs a little bit, it is obvious he is very friendly to people even if they attack him... As long as the attack doesn't draw his blood
terrified that the beast would devour her, she quickly pulls out a deck of cards "w w what to play b-blackjack." she said. As this commotion happened 20 miles away from the scene is a Great Knight .... "he is powerful, yes oh let me get a book on him" sits down to read some more about this guy.
Howl looks at the girl, noticing her fear he remembers a past friend of his flash in his mind riveting from regret he tries to calm her down. Dear child, there is no reason for you to be afraid
I only like the taste of deer and boar meat... umm Looks at paws and then back to the girl How... Pray tell... How shall I play cards.. if I have no hands?
"I can move the cards for you. Or you can teleport to a shop that can make you do telekinesis on very small things for an hour." She said.
The knight is 10 miles away.
Hmm Telekinesis, why didn't I think of that? Howl begins to shuffle the cards with his mind
A little fox white wisps into site
-sips my tea as I rest on Howl's lap-
smiles. So you are finally able to sit back and relax a bit?
Yep! Bout time! pats
Howl deals out the cards to himself and the girl
The girl was confused about why a random fox decided to sit on the wolf's lap that she chuckled silently to herself. The knight is a mile away.
Howl senses the Knight's presence so he gets up and faces the direction of the Knight. He then sneezes which causes a powerful and undodgeable air projectile that will destroy. The sneeze launched above the ground at said Knight, as the projectile travels the earth is ripped apart in its wake
The girl is surprised by such a powerful sneeze that she gives a small clapping while trying to escape. The knight's armor was destroyed but his body well was scattered everywhere. Tis but a scratch he thought and was slowly healing. His sword Stabbed a tree with an impaled letter a fancy one it is. The Howl has a choice to read this or go back to playing cards.
Howl reads the letter quickly
The letter says from the Great Empire of Endelen the infamous King Gerald is acquiring the strong from afar to help save his daughter from the horrific dragon that has cursed the lands and air for decades in the castle it lives in.

one Wish to be granted and a part of the kingdom.
Howl reads the letter and than writes a response to it "Sure, I'll give my support. Just give me the geographical coordinates of the kingdom and I will teleport there and meet with the King personally" Howl then sends the letter back via the sword
Howl turns back to continue playing cards with the girl
You know... It gets quite lonely around here, nobody ever really comes around these parts often... I'm glad I met you, and that you haven't ran away from me... most people do... Howl sounds sad as he speaks
The girl sees from the distance the sad wolf but also needs to see her parents before dark plus it gets super cold at night in these forests. She thought to herself maybe tomorrow I can check what the werewolf is doing. The sword impales a strange man that was just about to go on a quest to save the king's daughter. The Royal knights gather around the corps while one ripped off the letter and reads it. Looks like Tis is dead, one of them said. The king was notified at once so he rushed to his Charrette while the sun falls. It will take tomorrow afternoon for him to get there.
Howl notices the girl in the distance and teleports to her side You know, the forest gets dangerous at night kid, I'll walk with ya to wherever you are going, creatures of the night won't bother you while I'm with you Howl gives a soft smile to reassure the girl of his friendliness
The teleportation freaks her out AH she shrieks. Don't do that she said but Howl interrupts her offering help then gives a creepy wolf smile due to his large teeth. She thinks for a second and says sure. She starts walking with Howl up the mountain to her village. A deer eats grass nearby.
Sorry, didn't mean to startle you back there with my teleportation
oh btw my name is Howl, and I'm a wolf... I can shapeshift to have more humanlike characteristics but I was created as a full-on wolf with powers
What's your name?
-appears out of thin air and boop the 2 cuties- Watcha up to
Just walking this kid to where ever her destination is
She asks Howl where he's from as she threw her knife at a quale in the thick grass up the hilly part of the mountain. A disgusting Harpy flies high above the girl and werewolf listening.
I- ... Howls ears drop from sadness for a brief moment before perking back up
When time was first created, I was created as well... In a place called Sanctuary where the Gods and Goddesses that created the multiverse live. There were eight others created as well, we were all given a fraction of each of the deities powers making us Divine beings by nature. Our purpose of creation was to protect their galaxy and all its inhabitants, but I had a special purpose... You see, some universes are so far evil that they can't be saved... Because of this, I was given the power to destroy universes which caused me to become half Divine half Demon... though I have only used the power once... There came a time when the Deities of Sanctuary decided they would destroy the multiverse just for fun, and recreate it anew... knowing this, I tricked the deities to give up their godhood, thus getting rid of their immortality, and then... I destroyed each one of the deities and took their powers for myself...
Unfortunately, as time passed, my teammates were all defeated in battle while continuing to fulfill the purpose of our creation... Leaving me to be the last and only remaining member of the Guardian team.....
her eyes widened I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my mother a few years ago... Do you still protect the galaxy to this day or is this the last world? She picks up the dead quale and continues walking. The two are halfway to her village. While this talk between the human girl and the Powerful Guardian a cruel event accurse in a Village from far far far away. One of the Dead Deities Conjured a curse across the Country of Belmardourz a curse to try to create a being strong enough to be filled with the rage he had the fear he had the hatred he had and the will to destroy the world. The Grate Howl will be unable to be teleported to this place for it has great magic energy that would cause the person to be put into a void of darkness a wormhole you would say. The mman'sname is Loader for he has no real name he was a slave to creatures of horrors and had hatred for these life forms that murdered and ate humans alive. Although they did crave human food at times when human cattle was low. So they took a thousand and one humans and made them plow the fields under the scorching sun and eat rotten bread with thick maggots that would come from their hands. Loader did all the work they ask he did everything on time. If he made a mistake he would fix it in an instant but the Brutes would still slash their whip at him with no restraint or favoritism toward him or others. He was strong for being a slave and that's because he was the only one that would continue to eat throughout the days and nights. The maggots, yes he would go to their sleeping quarters and eat the plump maggots until full. During the day he would take dead handfuls from his pockets to eat when needed. The creatures did not stop him for they were pleased for him to indulge in nutrients at night. In
He loved a woman but died at the hands of a man. He grew hatred toward men. He had made friends with a boy but died due to the mother giving him up to them instead of her. He grew some hatred toward women. One day there was a Terrible drought that made the land dry and useless. one by one they began to be eaten throughout the days. The humans petrified of what would become of them started to kill each other and eat one another. Scared for his life he defended himself easily with a mighty blow to their head making the neck crack and spin. He hated everything and just wanted to destroy the world before it destroyed him.
Though..... Howl lifts his head to the sky as a breeze blows through his fur I feel that there might be big trouble soon...
I'm glad that you're here then Howl. Thank you for protecting me while on this walk. she says as the wind blows wildly. This is it I don't want them to see you will I see you tomorrow and if you're going somewhere please let me know I would like to go on an adventure. either she runs off to the village or waits patiently for an answer? Loader was now one out of fifty people left. Many killed to eat or starved to death. Loader readied himself for the night to. He pulled the cell bars apart bending them just enuff for him to slip through. Now out of his cell he took the key from a sleeping monster and opened all the other cells for the others people to be a detection. He smashed thorough a wooden wall and ran For his life. The creatures in need of nutrients awoke from there deep slumber and arouse to there feet. Loader saw them stumbled as they ran forward to the hurd of slaves far behind him. Only eating the slowest humans. However one was full and strong wanting more than just bone and more flesh to eat off of than just skinny men. it ran after him with great speed. a full 5 minutes of running and it caught up with him landing a Heavy blow from behind. he got back up and there it was right in front of him ready to devour him. With all the rage built up within him he cursed at the crewel creature that he would not die buy it's hands. As he quickly grabbed it's waste squeezing it until all the maggots in that part of the body popped out of three holes. He let go of the beast and grabbled it head as it tried to bite his neck. He squeezed and squeezed harder one of the eyeballs popped out it socket and then heard it. The satisfying crack of it skull making the one eye's pupal motionless.
Howl gives a caring smile before looking at the moon Well let's see... I'd have to check my schedule... a notebook appears in front of howl and he flips the pages with his mind Make sure the multiverse is safe, Check. Get 5 years of sleep, Check. Howl chuckles befriend a nice kid, Check. Looks at the girl Take the new friend on many adventures, share stories of the times I had with my teammates, and always be there when the kid needs you.... that has yet to be checked..
Looks like I'll be seeing you tomorrow kiddo Howl gives a hearty chuckle
She run's off excited see tomorrow morning then at the same place we met. She get to her house and tells her parent's that she will be gone to explore the world hasten at first the parents are but then she lies and says that a knight is going to be with her on a quest to save the kings daughter. The parents looked at each other great wealth fame and money would be rewarded as well as the one wish from the king. They heard throughout the the village this request for a strong person to save the daughter from the dragon. Hesitant at first they new that no rich or royal man would want a peasant girl as a wife. But knights are always a good match for her they thought to themselves. they too explored the great lands of Dumarl. They spoke to one another in another in a separate room for along time. Then the door opened they both looked at each other we would like to see this knight that you spoke of said the mother. and see if he can defeat me in a wood sword fight. In her mind she cursed and said sure to them. I'll be going to bed then to wake up early. she zoomed off to her bed and slept.
Howl looks up to the moon and speaks as if he is talking to his teammates Do y'all see her? She's strong... I think I'll ask her if she'd like to train.... Howl smiles before searching for a place to rest
The man ate the dead monsters carcass and then ran to a big cave out across the horizon. Filled with cursed meat and the rage to kill more he began to change his body felt lighter running quicker than before he got to the cave before the the moon hit to the highest spot in the sky. he fell to the ground tired from everything. However his body continued to change his arms became Stronger His spine felt like it was stretching. he grew taller to become a 9 foot man but not just a man. He ribs showed a odd pattern and his eyes changed. The pupal became malformed, his facial muscles became more muscular. his arms looked darker in a pattern like way. his hair grew thicker and darker. He found a cave spring where he rushed fourth and drank. He saw his reflection and wondered what caused such a change in his face and body was it the monster's flesh that he partook in or the fact that he hated the world that he became a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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