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Name:M/n L/n(You/Male name-Last name)




Quote:"Damage people are Dangerous, They know how to make hell feel like home."

Powers: Immortality, Death touch, Soul bond, Reality warping, regenerate,
Feeding on life energy, Teleport(When you Teleport you become into small mothes when you Teleport), Voice changes, Talk with animals mostly Moths(Because you are one)

Likes:(Whatever you like)

Dislike:(Whatever you like)

(Mask<Covers your face for reasons you will know at chapter one>)

(Mask<Covers your face for reasons you will know at chapter one>)

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Moth wings(<Wings aren't fragile as it looks its soft but sharp very deadly posing when the moth feels angry or threatened>)

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Moth wings(<Wings aren't fragile as it looks its soft but sharp very deadly posing when the moth feels angry or threatened>)

(Straitjacket that the creepypasta found you in except that the hands are tied in front of you and the back is where your wings are tied but you aren't wearing shoes or the things on your face but the mask at the top)

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(Straitjacket that the creepypasta found you in except that the hands are tied in front of you and the back is where your wings are tied but you aren't wearing shoes or the things on your face but the mask at the top)

Ðårlïñg mð†h ßð¥ (Creepypasta x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now