Chapter 7

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Zayn pov

This is hard.  Harry and Niall are pretty much my brothers. We've been through so much together and we've always had each others backs no matter what.

But then there's Robin. She's beautiful. She always knows what to say in awkward situations and is honestly pretty hilarious.

We've become really close to each other this past month. I'm just hoping she dosen't have feelings for the other boys.

Bro's before hoes? Or maybe the other way around. Robin isn't a hoe though. Far from, actually. My feelings keep growing stronger and stronger.. what am I supposed to do?!

Niall pov

Ah, Robin. The name gives me chills. I didn't ever think that I could ever like a girl this much. I guess i've been proven wrong.

I'm aware that Harry and Zayn have feelings for her as well. Honestly though? Harry would treat her like shit and Zayn would cheat on her..

I've never had a girlfriend the whole time we've been One Direction. Harry and Zayn have had plenty of girlfriends. I've even given up some girls for them. I don't think I can do that this time though. This time is different. I have extremely strong feelings for Robin. Am I falling for her?

Harry pov

I look over at Robin, sleeping. She's so peaceful, graceful. I reach out to put some hair that had fallen on her face behind her back. She's so beautiful. I've never met a girl so graceful and lovely but also kind of bad ass and extremely hot at the same time. 

I know that she rejected me but I think I can make her fall for me. I can't give her up that easily. I mean, look at her! I feel like i'd make her the happiest out of the other 2 boys. We would look good together. Harry and Robin. It has a nice ring to it. 

I really don't want to lose my friendship with the boys over Robin though. I think we should make a deal.. whoever Robin starts to have feelings for, can have her. And the other two boys can't argue and have to accept whoever is with Robin.

I think i'll let the boys know.

"Hey Niall, Zayn!" I whisper, trying not to wake Robin. "Come here!" They scoot over beside me and Niall looks over at me. "Whatsup?" He asks.

"Okay, so since we all have feelings for Robin. I think this should be fair game. Whoever she gets feelings for out of the 3 of us, can have her. No fights, questions, or arguments. The other 2 boys just have to accept it and move on, okay?"

Niall and Zayn look over at each other, contemplating the situation. After a few seconds they both look at me and nod.

"Alright, I agree. I really don't want to lose you guys as friends over a girl" Says Zayn. I pat his back and nod. "Me too"

Robin's pov

My back hurts. I must have slept weird on it.. I slowly sit up rubbing my back in the process. ''Ow" I repeat.

"Are you okay? Do you need a back rub?!" Offers Niall, a little too eagerly. Then I remember what I heard earlier. So Zayn, Niall and Harry all like me? Maybe it's a joke? That seems weird that 3 attractive guys would like me at the same time. 

"No it's okay Niall" I smile at him. He nods and smiles back before sitting down and taking his place on the hard ground again. 

"So whatsup?" I ask the boys. "Nothing, I'm hungry!" Complains Louis. "Well, I don't know what you expect me to do about that" I tell him. "Make me a sandwich woman!" He says. I smack his arm and he jokingly rubs the spot I hit him. "Owww" He says. I laugh at him before going to sit beside Zayn. 

I lay my head on Zayn's shoulder. He looks down at me and smiles. I could've sworn I saw Harry tense up. I look over at Niall and he's glaring at Zayn. What's that about? Oh wait, I know.

Should I tell them that I know or should I just keep it to myself? I don't even know if its true! They could feel bad for me or something.

That's actually happened to me before. Back one time in grade 10 I told a guy that I liked him and he didn't like me back but he felt bad for me so he said ''I like you too" I may have thrown myself at him, trying to kiss him after he told me that..and he may have pushed me away and ran away.

We only have about 10 granola bars left. And who knows how much longer we'll be here for? I grab a granola bar and split it into 6 parts and hand a piece to each of the boys.

"Here Robin, you can have mine, I'm not hungry" Offers Harry handing me his piece. "Are you sure? You'll be hungry!' I say. He just shakes his head and smiles. "Take it babe" That makes me blush. I wasn't going to pass up extra food so I take the piece he was handing out to me and throw it into my mouth, chomping happily.

"You're so cute!" He laughs. I blush even more. I blush too easily. Why would Harry freaking Styles like someone like me? I'm just plain old Robin. There's nothing special about me. I don't think I'm pretty either.

I have nut brown long hair and blue eyes. Nothing special.. I've never even had a boyfriend. I mean, guys have asked me out but I never really took them seriously. So I turned them all down. 

"Stop thinking so hard" Says Harry from beside me, making me jump. He laughs at my reaction. "What are ya thinking about?" He asks. "Just.. stuff"

"I bet you're thinking about how hot I am" He says winking. "Oh, hardly!" I say slapping his arm. 

"I'm bored, lets play a game?" Says Liam. "Sure! Why don't we just play questions. You just ask any question you want and the person has to answer truthfully!" Says Niall. We all nod in agreement and make a circle. 

"Alright, I'll go first" Says Louis. "Ummm, Liam. Who's better looking? Me or Niall?" Says Louis. "Me obviously" Says Niall, rolling his eyes. "I'd have to say Nialler" Says Liam. "Hey!" Says Louis.

"Sorry, I've always had a secret crush on Niall!" Jokes Liam. "I knew it!" Says Niall. We all laugh before Liam speaks. "Okay, ummm Robin. Are you single?" He asks. "Single like a pringle" I respond. They all give me a weird look. "Umm, Robin? Pringles aren't single they come in packs." Says Zayn. "Oh shush you, it rhymed" I respond. They all laugh.

"Okay, umm Niall. Pick one person in this group that you'd want to be stranded on an island with, considering our current situation" I ask. He hesitates before he looks me dead in the eyes. "You" He says. I blush.  

"Okay, Harry. Still have that girlfriend, Jessica?" He says with a hard stare. "No, actually. I broke up with her before we left" Harry responds. "Oh so were you just using her Harry? Do you use alot of girls?! I feel bad for your future girlfriend!" Says Niall his voice raising. "No I didn't use her!  She cheated on me Niall!" Harry says, his voice cracking. 

I give Niall a glare before I rub Harry's back. "I'm sorry Harry. That really sucks. I'm here for you okay?" I say reassuringly. He smiles at me and nods. "Thanks Robin" 

"OH MY GOD!'' Screams Louis from behind me. I turn around and see Louis, Zayn and Liam freaking out. "Where's Niall!?" I say. "HE FELL OVERBOARD!" Screams Zayn. "Oh my god, oh my god. NIALL!? NIALL? WHERE ARE YOU!?" I yell out looking at the open ocean.

All the other boys are screaming his name by now. Liam's crying. Harry's hyperventilating. Zayn's eyes are wide with terror and Louis is screaming Niall's name hopelessly.

My knees buckle from under me and I start to cry. He drowned, didn't he? This is all my fault. Suddenly everything starts to go black and that's when I can't hear the screaming anymore.

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