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The cave they were in was beautiful, it had glowing blue mushrooms, and bits of light shining through.

"Woah!" Y/N said, "We'll be safe here for now." Cube said as he rubbed his head, H/N flew over to a rock and sat down, "How did that group of citizens of Paradise get corrupted?" Cyan asked, Cube thought for a second, "I don't see how either. The monster must've still been able to infect inside of the seal..." Cube said, then Lythorus and Y/N started to think, "But the monster was sealed! It is all around it. we know that." Cube said, "Wait a second! You said all around? Did it also seal the bottom!?" Lythorus asked angrily, "Oh lord...I don't think it did..." Cube said while facepalming.

Then Cyan turned into his 1st form, and started crying, "Oh my!" Cube said, then he picked up Cyan in his hands, "What's the matter Cyan...?", then Cyan dashed into Cube's coat, "What's wrong with him?" Y/N asked, and H/N turned into her 1st form, and Y/N also picked up H/N with their hands.

"He must be upset about the monster..." Cube said, "Come on Lythorus and Y/N. I know a way out of the cave so we can get to the Tree of Life before the monster does..." Cube said "Uhhh. ok Mr. Hexahedron." Lythorus and Y/N said the same time while saluting.

(couldn't find the ep 2 either)
In an underground river system, one of Dub's arm had corrupted the water, and swam away. A fish in the water had been corrupted, then it turned into a big, bubble-like fish.

"The exit should be right-", Cube paused, *Gasp*, the bubble-like fish started to "float" out of the water, it shot corrupted spikes in many directions and one of them hit Cube.

"HOLY CRAP CUBE! Are you ok!?" Lythorus yelled, he ran towards Cube, then Cyan and H/N quickly flew towards the corrupted fish.

(watch the video above from 3:03 - 3:25)

Then Cyan and H/N slowly flew towards Cube, "Don't worry Lythorus." Cyan said, "Cube and I are connected. And since I'm part of the Tree of Life. I can not get infected by the virus.", "In his situation, it will take longer to infect him." Cyan said, "Cube? Can you still be able to be bodyless so I can lift you up?" Cyan asked, "No...O-once my body get's damaged I c-can't make it go away..." Cube weakly said.

Cube weakly got up, "We need to get to the Tree of Life right..?" he weakly asked, "Let's g-go then..."

The scene switches to a person with a purple coat holding a picture with a purple frame of him and the orange Hero, the person picks up the picture and looks at it, then he looks out of his window to see pink hills.

"Woah, seems like The Pink Corruption already started." he said while putting down the picture, "This is our chance to help Iris!" a feminine voice said, then Iris turned around to see a yellow pentagon.

"The last hero from the Tree of Life was born and you know what that means!" she said, "I know I know." Iris said, "I'll go look for him while you go help the newbies!" she says. Then, when the pentagon is walking away, Iris picks up the picture one last time, looking sad.

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now