Chapter 1

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            The girl with the bright red hair is running away from a man with half the skin still on his body. His skin is grey. His eyes had a buildup of gunk running down his face. The hair on his head is barely there; it's long and black. Can a practically bald person have greasy hair? The smell of burning flesh is overpowering. Suddenly, the woman felt something touch her shoulder. She didn't dare look back she's afraid of what would happen if she did. Suddenly, she feels something graze her shoulder. She looks back and the half dead man is close to getting to her as she reaches the end of the hall she sees another figure however she keeps running. Shouting for help to the figure. As she gets closer she sees he looks like the man chasing her but without any hair and more skin is peeling off and gone. He reaches out and snatches her and takes her into a door that reads "STAFF ONLY."

As kids walk into class and take their seats waiting for Mr. Whitlock to come in. A few seconds later he walks through the door. His eyes watery and red, a brutal smell hits the class as he walks in. He apologies for his absence and a group of boys turn and snicker at each other. The teacher looks at them in embarrassment. After school lets out kids flood the main door shoving each other out of the way to leave. A kid falls and lets out a horrified screech but no one stops to help. When the boy looks up, blood running down from his nose to his chin he sees someone standing over him with a concerned look.

"Need some help?" The kid says with his hand outstretched.

"Yeah.. Thanks." He says getting up with the help from the kid.

"So, you gotta name?" The kid says looking at his hand as it's covered in the blood from the other kid's nose but he just shrugs and wipes it on his dark brown pants.

"Uh... Yeah it's Mike" He says looking around. Pinching his nose to try to stop the bleeding. "Um... i'm sorry i got blood on you but i should go see if the nurse is still in the school. I think I broke my nose." Mike starts to walk back into the school.

"Cool i'll come with you" The boy says following behind him. As they walk to the office the boy introduces himself as Oliver. They reached the nurses office and looked in the door and no one was there. Oliver insisted they go in anyway. Oliver helps Mike with nose.

 "And done!" Oliver says, handing Mike an ice pack.

"Thank you.. We should be getting home now." Mike says, taking the ice pack and putting it on his nose.

"Yeah. C'mon, I'll walk you home!" Oliver walks out of the nurse's office

"You don't need to do that," Mike says, following him out of the school.

"I know I don't need to. I want to, though." Oliver says, walking down the stairs "You be careful now!" Oliver says, holding his arm out so Mike doesn't fall again. Mike rolls his eyes and laughs.

The boys reach Mike's house, and Oliver says goodbye and walks to his house. It's 6:30 when the boys are both home. Mike's mom notices the black eyes and his swollen nose. Her eyes widened.

"What happened to my baby!?" His mom rushes to him, cupping her hands to his face.

"I fell down the stairs, but I'm fine," Mike says, swatting his mom's hand off his face and walking away. His mom shouts that she loves him as he's walking up the stairs. He shouts that he loves her as well.

As Oliver walks into his house, he hears a groggy, upset voice coming from the kitchen. "Where were you?"

Oliver takes off his shoes and goes to the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Dad.. I had to stay back to help a kid who got hurt at school. I forgot to call.." He says sheepishly.

"Well, next time you better." The man says, raising one hand.

Oliver walks into school with his head down and his hood up. He sits in his seat and just keeps his head down. Mike walks in and notices Oliver and taps on his shoulder. Oliver looks up. "Woah! What happened to you?" Mike notices the bruise on Oliver's face.

"Oh nothing, I just ran into a pole on my way to my house yesterday," Oliver says, putting his hand over the bruise.

"How does that even happen, Oliver?" Mike says, sitting in the seat next to him.

"I don't know. It just did." Oliver replied looking out the window that was next to him. "Anyway.. you got any plans after school?" Oliver says looking back at Mike.

"No, why?" Mike says inadvertently staring at Oliver's bruise. However, Oliver noticed him looking so he turned his head pretending he was looking around the class. "Cause I have board games at my house if you want to come over," Oliver says, looking at the strings on his hoodie.

"Yeah sure sounds fun!" Mike exclaimed. Ms. Nickerson walks in.

"Sorry, students. I had to go print some paperwork." She said putting a pile of homework and her desk. Scattered sighs and eye rolls.

"Now now.. I can double this so quit your whining!" Ms. Nickerson says walking up to the front of the class.

Mike writes on a piece of paper and hands it to Oliver. Is there a real reason you got that bruise? Oliver looks up at Mike confused. What do you mean? I ran into a pole. Mike looks at Oliver unamused. Come on Oliver things like that only happen in cartoons. Oliver looks annoyed. Well yeah I know but it happened to me. Mike rolls his eyes. How did it happen then?

"Boys. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Nickerson said, crossing her arms. The class looks at them. Oliver and Mike apologize and Ms. Nickerson keeps teaching.

After school Oliver and Mike walk back to Oliver's house.

"So how's your nose?" Oliver asked looking at Mike

"Oh y'know... it's seen better days" Mike replies giggling a bit. Oliver giggles as well

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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