The Time Crime
EMMA GET UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! I look at my alarm clock and it shows 8:30 and school starts at 8:45. My alarm clock didn't go off!
"I knew I couldn't trust you" I mumble to myself.
I force myself out of bed. Then I took my shower, put my clothes on, brushed my long brown hair, and then went downstairs for breakfast. My little sister Kirsten was already eating her breakfast and was scarfing down all the bacon.
"Hey save some for me!" I yell. "First come's first serves" she says.
I decide to skip breakfast. When I get out the door my best friend Jim is there.
"Hey Em!" he says. My real name is Emma but he calls me Em for short
"Hey Jim" I say.
We walk all the way until the street across from my school, Ridgeway Middle School, when Samantha Burlington walks up to me and Jim. "Hey Jim!" she says with excitement "Oh and hey Emma". She has never liked me but has had a crush on Jim for as long as I can remember. I'm not really listening to the conversation but I can get out that she's talking about the classes we have together and how were going to have so much fun. I'm about to step in because I can't take any more of this when a woman is screaming on her knees begging for mercy from two men wearing black.
"Stealing is a crime" one of the men says. "Come with us" says the other.
They take away the lady leaving her six children behind. They then take her away in a black futuristic car.
Then the bell rings. We get into first period and I realize what teacher I have. Mr. Seth. That teacher absolutely hates me; sometimes I think he picks on me on purpose.
"Emma McCarthy" he says with a glare.
I ignore that comment and just continue on into my seat. I sit around the middle of the classroom.
"Hey Emma" Jim whispers "How many detentions do you think he'll give today?" I chuckle at that thought.
"NO TALKING" Mr. Seth screams.
Jim reaches into his book bag for what I think is a sheet of paper. I think he's going to pass me a note. That's when two men barge into the classroom, both in black armored suits. I know who these men are. Their called The Crime Stoppers. These men take away people who have committed a crime in the past and take them into custody, just like the lady we saw today. A crime can be from stealing a piece of bread to robbing a bank. Crimes in the future are taken more serious then they need to. The President has this freak idea that if we get rid of all the trouble makers we'll have a "better" future for citizens. Anyway the Crime find out crimes by going into time machines and search the town. So if you commit a crime you may not get caught as soon as you do it but at some point, they will find you.
"Jim Hunter, we seek Jim Hunter" one of the men says in a bold voice.
Jim's face looks so confused. He gets out of his seat and begins to walk toward the two men. Before he reaches the two men he looks me right in the eye and that's the last image I have of him before they clutch on his shirt and turn away slamming the door behind them. What could Jim have done? I look over at Samantha and see that her face shows desperation. I don't blame her. I wonder what I would look like if the person I loved was just taken away, could maybe even be killed. That's when someone passes me a piece of paper, folded, and on the back it says Sam. I open it and it reads: We have to find out what Jim did so we can save him. I can't bear know he could be in trouble.