Orochimaru x reader

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Funny little secrets 🤗
Orochimaru- 28
Y/n- 5
"DADDY!"The hyperactive ran around her house.
Orochimaru"Ugh such a dreadful little brat" Tsunada looks at him with a irritated eye twitch.
Y/n"You aren't Daddy." She crosses her arms puffing her cheeks out.
Tsunade"Well your daddy isn't here we were sent to watch you." She says to Y/n.

Y/n"Wow you are the pretty girl daddy always tells me about and you are an asshole."
Tsunade smiles giggling at the insult thrown at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru"Why me?" He asks as he picks up Y/n.

Y/n"Because that's what Daddy says"
Orochimaru"Well then tell Jiraiya that I said-"
Y/n"LET ME GO!" She began to flop around and wiggled.
Orochimaru" listen to me you little brat-"
Y/n face frowned"I want Daddy."
Tsunade smiled at the two in front of her she thought they were so cute
Tsunade"Hey Y/n did your dad tell you to tell me that today."
Y/n looked around"That's a secret a ninja should never reveal their secrets" Y/n giggled looking at her face.
Orochimaru observed the smile on her face he understood what he needed to do.
Orochimaru"I have many secrets"
Orochimaru"But I thought ninjas never reveal their secrets?"
Y/n"Ummm? I didn't finish I meant ninja never reveal their secrets to anyone other than me." She smiled
Orochimaru"Oh that makes sense I thought you were missing something"
Orochimaru whispers something in Y/n ear whatever it was made her giggle and smile at him. As he set her down they both smiled and looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade"What happened to you not liking her or caring about if she liked you"
Orochimaru"I have my reasons..." his smirk was almost sinister

Tsunade shivered at the thought of whatever reason that might be.
———Time skip———
Jiraiya comes home tired but ready to stop his little princess from crying her heart out as Orochimaru sits her on the couch and normally doesn't understand that she just wants affection. But when he comes in his house is cleaner than before which he notices and it's to quiet. As the father of a terribly loud child this makes him extremely uncomfortable. He quickly rounds the corner looking into his living room almost not believing the situation before him. His daughter is standing next to Orochimaru braiding part of his hair smiling and Orochimaru looks happy?!?
Jiraiya"Umm? Princess?"
She ran around the coffee table in the middle of the room to go hug her dad.

Jiraiya smiles and looks at his daughter with eyes of love as he notices that she was wearing Orochimaru's headband. He walks her to the couch and sits her down and says "I thought you didn't like Orochimaru?"
Y/n"I didn't say that you told me I didn't like him. I just said he was mean and didn't like me."
Jiraiya"Oh right and you started crying about it"
Y/n"Liar that's not true!"
Orochimaru"Yeah she's a shinobi so she doesn't cry." He points at his own headband smiling which creeps Jiraiya out.
Jiraiya"your smile is so damn creepy you should do it less"
Orochimaru enjoys the compliment and Y/n says "Not true his smile is pretty"
Orochimaru leans over and whispers in her ear "Your dad is just jealous because you are a better ninja than him." Y/n looks at him and giggles.
Jiraiya"That isn't even true she can't even fight she is 5 and that was hardly a whisper!"
Y/n"Daddy is mad because he tried to teach me how to climb a tree and I could do it and he couldn't"
Jiraiya"She's bluffing that didn't happen Tsunade"
Orochimaru smiled in delight saying "He is in love with Tsunade isn't that funny?"
Y/n"Yeah mommy said that he wouldn't ever let that one go"
Orochimaru laughed harder than ever.
Jiraiya"Hey one more whisper and your going on time out"
Y/n made no attempt to pretend to whisper"You know dad you look really old."
Orochimaru"That's terrible."he tried to keep himself from smiling and laughing because Jiraiya's face looked so hurt.
Jiraiya"I just wanna go to sleep your mother is picking you up tomorrow"
Y/n"Wait no why? I wanna stay with you I'm sorry I didn't-"
Jiraiya smiling"We have a mission tomorrow sweetheart you have to go to mom."
Y/n" But her house is scary..."
Jiraiya"Sorry normally I'd allow you to stay with Tsunade but she's going on the mission with me."
Orochimaru"I can take her I'm not the best with kids but I guess I can do it for a few days or more"
Jiraiya" Ill think about it...."
This is the acceptable reason for readers low age ( requested by a friend outside of Wattpad )

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