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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Three❞
                                                   ━━━ Love: Falling In or Out. . .?

Deer Dad,That was on purpose, yes

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Deer Dad,
That was on purpose, yes.

Prongs admits, 'I'm proud of you, son but truthfully, I'm ashamed of you, son.'

Thanks, Dad! Anyways, today's headlines: I'm going on a fake date with Mad Hatter. I really hope this makes Cho jealous because if this doesn't, what will? Besides, I saw her staring at me in the Great Hall a couple of times and I believe she might have finally started to like me. . .

Prongs says 'Never get your hopes up, son. Dampen 'em for you might find love in unexpected ways.'

I wish I knew what you mean, Dad, but I s'ppose I'm just too young for it.
'Youth is Good' Harry ;0

Dawn broke early with clouds bearing frost crowding into the vast skies. A cold breeze circulated through the grounds, chilling the students to their bones. Harry shivered, his teeth chattering, and crossed his arms over his chest. Despite wearing a hoodie, he was feeling numb.

"Is i-it re-really n-necessary to g-go t-today?" he stuttered in the cold. The girl beside him rolled her eyes.

"Oh, c'mon Potter. It's barely cold!" she exclaimed. "Look, I don't even have a sweater on!"

"Y-you are r-really br-brr-brave, S-Señorita," Harry responded, truly meaning his words.

"Glad you finally admitted it. And to answer your question, we must. Lest the dream of my brother and Hermione getting together fades away," she replied, crossing her arms and smirking. Harry shrugged and thrusted his gloved hands into his pockets.

The four friends got down in front of Zonko's after a five minute ride. Harry met Ginny's gaze and, with set determination, they dragged Hermione and Ron inside Zonko's. The souvenir shop was heavily crowded. Prank products of different sizes, purposes and colours were lined on huge shelves. When Ginny gave the signal, a thumbs up, Harry retreated to the exit. Ginny followed him a few seconds later.

"Great. They are alone right now and we can part as well," Harry said, checking the wristwatch Remus gave him. Ginny agreed with him the next instant. "Goodbye, Señorita. I hope I never see you again today!" He waved his hand at the redhead.

"I am so ecstatic that I can finally get rid of you, Haddock. Smell ya later!" Ginny did not even mind waving back. She set off almost spontaneously, skipping towards the cobbled streets and mingling in the crowd. Harry shrugged before walking down the alley, a train of thought running alive in his mind.  He could not decipher what his father really meant. Wandering the streets in solitude never helped him to understand the true meaning of wise words, that is, if they really contained wisdom.

𝐒𝐞𝐧̃𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚  ━━━ H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now