Cricket and Blue's Egg

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NOTE: This story was written before the release of Flames of Hope, for the purpose of this story we'll assume that Carabid's toxin set in so fast, Cricket was induced into the Hivemind before she had a chance to feel anything.

Book 15 is over, the war against the Othermind finished (Somehow, Book 15 is not yet written). After so much trail and tribulation, Blue and Cricket were finally together again. Hopefully nothing too traumatic happened to these two to get here, as these two characters are too pure and gentle for such things (Thanks a lot Brightest Night for what you did to poor Clay). These two, the sweetest couple in Wings of Fire history are about to get married as they always were meant to be, and they're going to have plenty of children, and going to start the sweetest family in Wings of Fire history.

But unfortunately, no matter how sweet the couple, when we ship two characters together, and dream of their happy family together, we often overlook the path to get there, and unfortunately for poor Cricket, the most traumatic is about to come.

After the wedding, Cricket and Blue found the perfect island in the SeaWing Kingdom for where to honeymoon. A nice hut was set up on a remote beach with all th necessities, fresh drinking water coming from a fountain only a few steps outside the hut's back door.

Katydid was staying at another hut nearby on her own vacation (If she's still alive after book 15 of course), so she would be available if Cricket ever needed her (Cricket suspected she just wanted to keep an eye on Blue and her, just nervous having her daughter, formerly dubbed "baby sister," getting married so soon after coming of age.

But Cricket wasn't going to let that distract her. Her and Blue were going to have their time together and it was going to be wonderful.

Together now in the hut with the stars and the three moons in differing phases overhead, Cricket and Blue could cuddle without interruption. Cricket stared into Blue's eyes so filled innocence and love, and rested her head on his. She let him nuzzle up to her and let herself slide onto her back. And with that the two of them let themselves fall into the other's embrace. Blue and Cricket were finally together and this night was theirs and theirs alone.

In the days following, Cricket kept feeling her belly. It was official now; she was going to lay an egg. There was no way out of it now. How long did she have, a few days, maybe a week? It didn't take long for an egg to form, it was formed, laid, from there it took a year to hatch, but from the moment the egg started forming to the point it was laid, a week, maybe two. By the time the egg hatched, her work would be long done. It was the laying that had her worried.

It was said that laying eggs was the worst pain you could feel; that dragons had the worst delivery out of any animal. The thought made Cricket's stomach twist, she'd seen lots of suffering on her adventures, and the fact that she might be about to suffer something worse than any of that...

When she first began her journey, the thought of being bit by a bullet ant or stung by Wasp's stingers had sickened her beyond what her stomach was capable of handling. When the bullet ant had bit the librarian, Queen Wasp had to have retreated as she couldn't take the pain, if laying eggs hurt that bad wouldn't she have had a greater standard. On the other talon, Cricket didn't recall ever hearing of Queen Wasp having eggs, so maybe her ability of endurance fell just short of bullet ants and laying eggs.

Cricket had been lucky so far as her egg had been abstracted from the hatchery before Queen Wasp could get to it, and although she couldn't remember it, she knew it was still her who would have faced it. When she'd been stung in Jewel Hive, it had hurt, but those dragons' poison was mild compared to many others she had heard about, and she could at least to some level endure it. Cricket couldn't help but feel that maybe she was being shielded from such things, that Cricket was a good enough character to be, that she shouldn't have to regret sharing out her own POV (Thinking of herself in book terms). But would this soon no longer be the case?

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