46.Who Am I?

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Yibo was confused by Zhan's behaviour but he remained silent 🤫
He followed Zhan in his room but as soon as he entered inside he felt a strong grip on his shoulders.

What you think you were doing?

Zhan ge....let me go...

Dd...I asked you something and I want answer...

I don't know what're you saying...so please leave me...

Zhan's grip was tight and Yibo was hurt...his eyes were 😢

Who was that guy....with whom you were laughing and chatting ...happily...

H..he was my childhood friend...

Childhood friend? Seriously dd you take me as fool...you were talking to him like he was more than friend....

G..ge...what are you saying....he is my best friend....one and only friend...you mistook something....

How dare you Wang Yibo....you are playing games behind my back and dared to talk back....
Now I think your father was right you are just mad who loves to play around with man and....


Zhan's words were hurting him more and more and when he said about his character that was Yibo's limit he slapped him harder.
Zhan came back to senses...he realized what he said....just because he was jealous but he was not ready to accept the fact that he was simply jealous...Yibo was exhausted by Zhan's behaviour but when he realized he slapped him he was afraid....afraid about Zhan and Zhan's anger.

Zhan ge....

Yibo tried to talk but Zhan's hand ✋️ gesture was enough to make him speechless 😶

Wang Yibo....today....once again you slapped me....just for a person who is not worthy at all...

It...It's not like that ge...

I was just asking....about that your so called childhood friend...but you...you slapped me....Yibo...you slapped me...for someone else....now I am feeling like I am not worthy enough....actually I'm not important for you as much as your friend....

I'm...I'm sorry ge...you said something that triggered my anger...and...and I...

Don't worry dd its not like you really accepted me....as your husband....it's okay...you can go wherever you want....you can do whatever you want....you can meet with anyone....I am no one to say anything or stop you from doing anything....I am no one....

Zhan's words were piercing Yibo's heart again and again....he was feeling like his heart shattered into pieces and those pieces were stabbing inside him....
But when Zhan said I am no one...that's when a question clicked in his mind....

Then who am I to you...ge...Who am I?


I asked who am I?
You never admitted whole heartedly that I'm your husband....you never admitted our wedding...actually wedding...we never had a wedding....it was a contract a mere contract....

Yibo was sobbing and Zhan was speechless...he was not sure about how to answer Yibo's questions...he was not sure what he was thinking....there was a storm inside him....a weird storm of feelings that type of feelings he never felt before...he saw Yibo was on his knees on cold floor sobbing miserably...his heart ached at the state of Yibo...he clenched his hands...he was angry at himself for creating this scene and situation....he was feeling guilty so he just left the house angrily with his car....
He was driving fast...when thinking about incident what happened....his grip tightened on steering as he recalled the words he said to Yibo....it was not easy for him to focus on road with that kind of situation....

On the other hand Yibo was still sobbing remembering Zhan's words...he was disappointed....
Suddenly his mobile rang but he was not in mood to talk with anyone so he ignored the call without ever sparing a glance at mobile screen....

After two or three rings there was no call....Yibo who was still in daze again heard his mobile rang after ten minutes so he decided to receive the call...

Z...Zhan ge....
His voice was a little hoarse because of crying 😢


Thanks for supporting 😊

Sorry for short chapter....

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