The reincarnated hero

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In the shadows the hero of all will come through the barrier and through the life of all, and to become. a powerful god is what. I hoped for but that is what I longed for but that is what his goal is going to end up being if he keeps this hero act up. it is like him cutting water in half with just his hands. He can easily destroy anything and everything that he encountered so he reincarnated to make sure he can make friends in another world, and I was willing to give him that power to be even stronger than he was. So, he wanted to know what I will get from reincarnated, so I told him more power to become even more stronger and a weapon of your choosing to help you in your future life when you grow up and be an adult in this world so what weapon would you like I said to him he said he wanted the sword of victory Valer which is a pretty good pick if I say so myself. I gave him better magic capabilities and more power in general then I reincarnated him into his other life which in the future it is going to get excited to see what happens.

The reincarnated hero (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now