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Echoing through the air, the grunt falling from the brunette's lips as he brutally dropped down to the ground rang so loud it was most likely heard miles away. 

His fall was done ass first, his backside making contact harshly with the hard dirt ground, leaving him to lay sprawled on a bed of dead leaves with a laboured breathing. 

It had sounded and looked painful. 

But contrary to what one might think, Stiles did not get back up. It was quite the rollercoaster he had just experienced and he most likely needed a minute for recovery. 

Taking this as an opportunity to come back to his senses, the brunette remained laid on the uncomfortable surface biting into his back, looking up at the night sky in wonder. 

When he had been pulled from the loft, it had been broad daylight. Barely past lunch time. 

But it was no longer the case.

Staring at the bright beaming stars, trying to calm his heartbeat from its increased rate and taking his breathing back to a normal pattern, Stiles remained immobile. 

There was a significant throbbing pain in his head, a mirroring sensation spread in his chest as he felt a sharp jab of pain with each beat of his seemingly weakened heart. 

Stiles was sure doing this little trip back in time had done some collateral damage to his body. 

And he wasn't sure he liked that thought.

With the little courage left in him, the brunette pulled himself back up on his two feet, brushing the dirt off of his clothing and looking to his surroundings to see where he had ended up. 

Stiles stood in the middle of the woods, his breath coming out in white puffs of smoke slowly disappearing in the cold night air -he only now realised- as he looked at the snow-covered woods. 

Stiles cursed under his breath, the fact that it had been summer in his time had him standing only in a light green flannel, shivering like a leaf as he looked around. 

The thought of seeking warmth and shelter from the snow covered forest soon came to mind and Stiles decided to go.

As he made his way through the woods, the only sounds heard were the crushing sounds his feet made each time he stepped down on the fresh snow and the occasional calls of night owls. 

Fortunately, Stiles was able to recognise those woods quite well. He had spent enough time training with his pack, running around through those trees to know exactly where he was going. 

Even though training hadn't been his strong suit, he was glad he was able to find his way around the area thanks to it. So, Stiles headed for the place he was hoping to find shelter in while rubbing his hands together for warmth. 

Soon enough and much to Stiles' relief, the brunette found what he had been searching for. He stopped a few metres away, staring wide eyed as the Hale house stood in front of him, big, tall and without a single hole in its facade. 

It was stunning.

"Fuck. Me." he let out, awed by the sight as he finally had the great honour to see the famous Hale house to its former glory with his own eyes. 

He felt amazed.

"I would if I knew your name." a strong voice replied from behind him. 

Not having expected anybody to be there, Stiles was startled, turning around quickly to see a familiar face. 

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