The Pu

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The bug was with his fellow friends. One day, he decided to be very crafty. "PU! ITS ATTACKING MY FRIENDS!" All of the bugs went to him. "Haha! It a prank!" said the bug. "Very crafty of you," said the other bugs, and they all left to continue their town chores. The next day, that bug decided to throw another prank. "HELP! THERE ARE TWO PU'S ATTACKING MY FRIENDS!" Again, the townsbugs rushed over to him. "HAHA! I tricked you again moral fools!" said the bug. "We will get you next time, trickster," said the townsbugs. One day, a Pu came to his friends—and its main focus was on him. "HELP! THERE'S A PU WHO ATE ALL MY FRIENDS, AND IT IS HEADING FOR ME!" The bug waited. No one came to save him. "The bug is probably planning to trick us again," said the townsbugs, before the bug got eaten by the Pu.

the townbugs..

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