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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Four❞
                                                   ━━━ Harry's Enemy: Emotions. . .

A black dog caught the corner of his eye

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A black dog caught the corner of his eye. It wagged its tail upon being spotted, then ran deep into the woods. Harry had a feeling he knew this canine. "Come along," Harry remarked. Grabbing Ginny's shivering arm, he dragged her towards the woods. The atmosphere was silent and a serene psithurism settled around. Broken branches and icicles cracked below their feet as they ran. Harry's breath was visible like a fog.

"H-Harry!" Ginny panted, pulling him to a stop. Harry turned around sharply to face her. A loud roar echoed throughout the silent place, startling the redhead and propelling her to the ground. Harry was dragooned into the snow pit as well.

"G–" But no words came out. Ginny was below him, pink and blinking. Her breath smelled of chocolate and Harry's starvation rid his mind of all common senses. They drew close, so close that Harry could almost feel her lips on his. . .


Harry jumped away from the girl, mentally wanting to murder himself. What the hell was I thinking?!

The black furry in front of them was opening and closing its mouth, wagging its tail enthusiastically. It barked again before starting to lead the way. Harry forced himself to his feet and offered Ginny a hand. Instead of taking it, she frowned.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, worried.

"I'm fine."

"I don't think you are." He bent down to examine her covered leg. "Can I?"

Ginny just nodded, her red bangs falling over her eyes. Slowly taking her shoes off, Harry saw her feet red and swollen.

"I think I sprained my feet," Ginny mumbled. Harry strapped her shoe back and offered his hand again. Having second doubts about Harry's sanity, which was clear in her eyes, Ginny took his offering and stood up shakily.

"Can you walk?"

"I'm alright."

"As if. Lean on me."

"For support?"

"Yeah, why else? What more do you expect, Señorita? For me to carry you?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, thank you, Hissarold. Supporting me is quite rich since it's coming from you," Ginny shot back. Her cheeks were still coloured and Harry assumed it to be because of frost bite. The dog was waiting for them a few feet away. It started leading them slowly when Harry nodded as a signal.

Soon enough, they were in the lobby of the Shrieking Shack.

"This is my latibule, at times." Harry turned around to see the dog, or rather, his Godfather, standing behind them. His hair was neat and his chiseled face was shining brightly at the sight of Harry. "Sirius Black here, in case you forgot," he stated. Harry smiled knowingly at Ginny. She already knew about Sirius, having always played with Harry when she was little.

𝐒𝐞𝐧̃𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚  ━━━ H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now