Chapter 1

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It was a normal Saturday, nothing dramatic happened. Sun was shining bright in the sky above, the birds flying with their pride gliding through the daylight. Nothing much was happening; well, I guess in the sense of my own mind.

My name is Bryan, I'm a 16-year-old Male. black, and tall, with light-brownish hair. My hair was longer compared to most males, but i liked long hair it isn't really girly at all. I've got a dark pitched voice; the pitch was darker than anyone I knew. I kept one secret, a secret I felt uncomfortable telling anyone I knew. I am a gay male, a man who liked other man. I feel like a weirdo if I become opened about it, like my friends may judge me and leave me behind. Well, I said 'friends' when in reality I only have one friend, i'm hated by a lot of people making friends was difficult. But i'm happy to at least have one friend.

My best friends name is Taylor, she is smart probably the smartest person in all my classes! Taylor is white, but she was the kindest person. I had dealt with racism before, but Taylor is the most caring person alive! Taylor had light brown eyes, long shiny blonde hair, the type of hair that shines through any sunny sky. She wasn't as tall as me, maybe the average hight for the female, but she was still my greatest friend. Taylor and I would call each other hours on end! Hanging after school, she lived not far away from my house a good 10 minutes and a half walk away. Across her house there was a park, that Taylor and I always hung out during the weekends when we were able to do so.

I was in my house, laying half naked on my bed just in my boxers. Laying half asleep, my eyes felt tired from the long tiring week of school. I went back to sleep hoping to wake up again in a little while, with my eyes not killing me with the tiredness pain. I wasn't covered by blankets, I was just laying on my left side on the bed shirtless and pants-less, just in my boxers. 

I had fallen asleep, dreaming a great dream away. A dream so strange as well, a world where everything makes you smile, a smile that seem so unrealistic in the real world, but feels so real in the dream world, with the ones you loved by your side, the stuff you loved coming your way. Basically, a dream world, where the good stuff happens. Nothing here was able to hurt you in anyway shape or form. A dream where it is always daytime, as nighttime is darkness and darkness are a sign of fear, and anxious feelings.

I thought I was asleep for like an hour, but no I was asleep for five hours! It was 3 In the afternoon; I'd woken up my mum wasn't home she was out working. My father left the family two years ago, he left for another woman. I was still in my boxers, as I left my bedroom to go to the bathroom and release myself. I do my business, standing by the toilet aiming it in the toilet. I flushed the toilet, put my manly part back into my boxers as I went to wash my hands. I left the bathroom as I was finished using it.

I was feeling a bit hungry so I went to the kitchen. Walking down the small hallway that leaded you towards the kitchen. Opened the door and walked inwards I went to the fridge to see if there's anything that could help my hunger. I saw the bread and ham and cheese, so I decided to make a ham and cheese sandwich. I went to the kitchens cutting board, placed the bread, added the ham on top then added the cheese, placing the second bread on top. Placed everything back into the fridge neatly, walked away grabbing my sandwich. Went to the living room, watched a bit of Tv while eating this sandwich.

The front door opened, Bryan's mother walked in, and she had bought some groceries, on her way home from work. She was feeling stressed, as usual after work. I guess finishing school, doesn't mean the stressful moments ends with it, like it just follows you around. I finished my sandwich and turned the Tv off walking back into the kitchen. "Oh, hi Bryan" the mother said surprised, when she had a mini heart attack, she didn't know someone was walking inwards. "Hi, need help packing them away?" Bryan said but didn't wait for a response and just started packing the stuff away. "Thank you, can you get dressed?" The mother said nicely, "why, I always wear just boxers during lazy day weekends" Bryan response wonderingly. "I know, you can do it tomorrow, but we are going to a friend's house this afternoon." The mother said nicely, as she speeds walks out of the kitchen to get ready before leaving that afternoon. Bryan walked towards his bedroom, down the hallway once again grabbing a clean pair of underwear, and a shirt and pants. He removed his dirty underwear, the mother walked in at the wrong time. "Oh sorry!" She said as she closed the door quickly, she didn't know she was about to walk in on the wrong time as Bryan was standing nakedly. "We're going in 10 minutes" the mother said through the door, as she walked away down towards the bathroom to get her makeup on. Bryan puts his new pair of underwear on and puts his pants and shirt on. Grabbing his hair comb and combing his hair, in his bedroom mirror. Everyone was ready to go, so Bryan and the mother both left to go to their friend's house.

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