🚨Our Secret (Jeonglix)

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-Top/dom Jeongin
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-1092 words


Jeongin pov

It was a Saturday night and the group had decided to go out for dinner. They were all sat at a round table near the back of the restaurant talking and enjoying their meals.

Jeongin was sat next to Felix and their knees kept touching as the moved in their seats. They would look at each other sometimes and laugh, but they would just leave it at that.

As their legs hit again, Jeongin would quickly move his hand to his hyungs thigh as a slilent apology. However this time he didn't take it back.

After a while the younger slowly started to move his hand up a bit, it now resting on Felix's inner thigh. The older shuddered.

Locking eyes with Felix he slowly started to move his hand up and down applying pressure as he went. Felix's skin went white.

Pushing his chair back, Felix quickly stood up mumbling that he had to go to the bathroom before hurrying away.

The youngest smirked going back to eating as the others continued what they were doing.

However when Felix didn't come back after a while, the group started to get worried. Jeongin stood up though saying he would go check on him.

Felix pov

After running off and entering the bathroom he was glad to see no one was there.

So he quickly ran into a stall and sat down on the lid of the toilet. He hastly rid himself of his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down to his thighs, allowing his boner to stick up.

Wrapping his hand around it's base, he slowly started to pump his hand up and down.

"Fuck you Jeongin," he cursed. "Fuck you for doing this to me."

He started to pump it faster letting out a few moans that he muffled by his hand. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he sunk down on the seat a little.

But he stopped his movements all at once as he heard the bathroom door open, shut, and lock.


It was Jeongin.

"Felix I know your in here."

Of course it was Jeongin

Removing his had form his dick he whined, quickly covering his mouth hoping the younger didn't hear.

"Oh, I see." You could practically see the smirk the other had on his face. Felix just shut his eyes in embarrassment.

He listened as Jeongins footsteps got closer to the stall door, so he could see his shadow.

"Can you let me in please? I can help you know?"

As Felix opened his mouth to reject he stopped. Knowing the man who did this to him was on the other side of the door and offering to help him. He knew there was no ways he was going to get off on his own.

Quickly doing his best to cover himself he leaned forward and unlocked the door.

He watched as the younger stepped in, closing the door behind him.

Standing in front of him Jeongin crouched down so he was on his knees. He rested his hands on Felix's thighs, gently rubbing them.

"You can stop hiding baby." Felix watched as the other slowly removed his hands from his crotch.

The younger soon wrapped a hand around around his hyungs length, rubbing the tip with his thumb.

Felix let out little moans under his breath.

"F-fuck~ Jeongin," his eyes widened however when he felt the other take him whole.

"Ah AHh~ mmH" Felix let out a rather loud moan when he felt his tip hit the back if Jeongins throat.

He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth remembering they were in a public space.

But this led to the younger pulling off, making Felix whine in protest.

"Dont do that, I wanna hear you."

"But we're i-" his sentence was cut short by a pair of lips smashing against his.

He quickly accepted the kiss and kissed back wrapped his arms are Jeongins shoulders.

The younger got up, changing there position by picking Felix up and sitting him on his thighs while he sat on the lid.

Jeongin tapped the others leg asking he to stand do he could easily remove the older pants completely.

"I don't wanna be the only one like this," Felix gestured to his lack of pants.

"No problem," Jeongin stood up quickly removing his pants too, making the der feel more comfortable. He sat back down patting his lap that Felix crawled back onto.

Almost immediately the younger started attacking his lips while tangling one of his hands in the olders hair. His other hand made it's way down to Felix's dick starting to pump it.

Felix returned the favor also starting to jerk the younger off. He moaned into the kiss allowing Jeongin to slip his tongue into his mouth.

As Felix speed up the pace so did Jeongin. At this point they were grunting and moaning as they rutted into each other's touch.

"G-gonna AHh~ gonna cum mmM~" Felix found it hard to talk as he felt a knot build up in his stomach.

"Me t-too baby"

There thrusts were getting sloppy as the got closer to there climax. With a few final movements the two came into the others hand.

"MmMM AAHhh~" Felix let out a loud moan and Jeongin grunted.

They sat there for a bit staring into each other's eyes before Felix slowly slid himself down to the floor.

"We should probably head back out." Jeongin said starting to wipe the cum off of them.

"Yeah, probably"

"We should do this again sometime, " Jeongin said as the two quickly fixed their hair and clothes in the mirror.

"Yes please," Felix rushes out.

"I- I mean, yea sure, if you want to" he say and looked up at Jeongin giving one of his lopsided smiles.

The younger laughed finding the blushing boy too cute. They eventually made there way back to the others.

"Felix, are you okay?"

"What happened why did you look so pale?"

Jeongin cleared his throat trying not to laugh at the scared look Felix had on his face.

"Guys, calm down. He just got bit nervous from the amount of people here. "

"Oh okay, well I think were all done if you wanna get out of here, " Chan suggested.

Felix gave an eager nod grabbing Jeongins hand and dragging him out of the restaurant. They walked down the street hand in hand as the rest of there group followed closely behind.

"Let's not tell anyone about this."

"It's our secret."


What do we think?

I have a few more ideas I just got to figure out how to right them :)


-Janny 👻

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