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🌪 Phayu's pov🌪️

"Good morning, class. Ehem... Class? Hello? CLASS?!" Our teacher, Miss Bow shouted to get the the class's attention. Everyone went quiet as soon as they realized her presence and sit down at their own sit.

 Everyone went quiet as soon as they realized her presence and sit down at their own sit

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(Miss Bow. Took the name when she was a support role in love by chance.)

"Seriously, do I need to shout every morning?"

"Oh come on, miss. It's our last year, you'll miss shouting at us when we're gone."

"No. That'll lessen my headache." She said but we know she's joking. She love us as if we're her own children.

"So before we start, today we'll be joining by a new student. He just moved here from Korea." The class went loud again.

"Quiet! Y'all going to give me wrinkles! Come on in now. Don't be shy." She told the new kid who was standing outside the classroom. As soon as he enter the classroom, blonde hair, beautiful eyes, cute chubby cheeks and... Gosh! Those plump lips! my eyes widen and I silently gasp.

 Gosh! Those plump lips! my eyes widen and I silently gasp

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"Mate!" My wolf, Boss, exclaim inside me. He walk and stand beside Miss Bow.

"Introduce yourself to the class." Miss Bow said. He nod and smile before talking.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Rain Kirigun. I hope we can get along." Gosh! His voice. So sweet. Pa, dad, I've found my mate.

"Can you speak Korea?" Someone ask.


"Can you teach me some?"


"Alright, alright. Rain, you can sit beside Phayu. Phayu, raise your hand." I raise my hand. He turn to look at me and his eyes widen. I know he acknowledge me as his alpha.

🌧️ Rain's pov 🌧

"Alright, alright. Rain, you can sit beside Phayu. Phayu, raise your hand." The teacher said. I look around for a raised hand. Then I saw a hand raised, I look at the owner. As we made eye contact, I gasped.

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